First of all, my Dell XPS M1530 is finally 1 year old. Bought it at Pikom on this day in 2008.
Went to Pikom yesterday after class with my classmates.
Damn! So hard to move and hot! Should go on Friday.
Anyway, I didn’t plan to go actually but I desperately need a new mouse. I actually ended with such cute mouse! Never in my life got such kind of mouse. I bought this because it’s the cheapest I could find among all Logitech mouse. Wanted to buy the one my bro is using now but it’s RM41 and only pink available, so I went for this cute one *LOL* white and black with black doggy paws that only cost RM38, cheaper by RM3 and it looked and felt similar to the one at home. I thought usually with special prints like this would be more expensive but it turned out otherwise.
So that’s all. Today is the last day. Go bargain now!
haiz missed it but pun si bo lui la. hahaz
Bo lui no need buy, can go cuci mata ;p
hahhaha u said inside hot, so the girls there must be hot.
Yea, I heard got “nurse” there hahaha… However I didn’t see, too crowded, my aim was to go buy mouse and cabut a.s.a.p.
yeah, i heard from colleague got nurse there. hmm.. lol… i will dress as doctor if i go
Nothing much to buy. I noticed Apple was not in the fair. Anyway, I got a 1GB DDR400 RAM for RM127. I thought it was a good bargain considering it cost RM150 in KL.
Good, at least you manage to save some money.
Nice cute mouse. Usually I buy mouse which costs around RM10 only. 🙂
Neo, I will never ever go for mouse about RM10 anymore, they can’t last, I rather spend slightly a bit more money with reliable brand that can last me for more than 5 years, all my logitech mouse lasted more than 5 years. Other brands that cost around RM10 last the longest only for 2 years, the shortest is less than a year.