Here’s the photos that I took last night. My new camera made my life easier. I don’t have to spend too much time on taking steady photos.
This fair is located just outside of Boulevard. I think it will go on until the end of August.
You can “throw” your money here if you like π
This is the latest addition to Boulevard Mall. Children can play here but parents please keep an eye on your children and don’t leave them there playing alone.
This is the highlight of the night, BandItogether08 where all the local bands would be performing.
Last night, there were 6 bands and I only saw 3 as I didn’t stay till the end.
Left-right: The two MCs, the two lead singers of blue-something-something, another group which I don’t remember the name.
The bloggers that went last night. Obviously everyone was lost and didn’t know what to do but sat there and watched the performance hahaha…
Hunted up and down for Blackberry to test and there’s none but notebooks and Wii bowling competition. Guess who won it? Wombok!! Hahaha… He didn’t wear his mask last night.
Finally the twist, the girls came out with the 3 Blackberries.
We got to touch and test them a bit but it’s not good enough. Couldn’t hog it for long as there were many people waiting to have a look at them and we can’t feel the usefulness of it. The first one, the navigation is on the side. The second one, it’s using joysticks to navigate. Both aren’t really nice to use, they are very hard to navigate, the joysticks one has built-in camera. You need to get used to their navigations for smooth navigation. I didn’t manage to test the third Blackberry as I had no idea where it had gone to.
After that, it’s time for STM to perform. They sang lots of songs, new and old songs.
After that, I was thinking of leaving because there’s really nothing to do there except sat, watched and listened. It was late too and my parents were waiting, they had done their shopping but who knows…
My “Blueberry” moment. -.-” You can see how Silas reacted to it. GOSH! So embarassing…
When I went up the staircase, aikss… it’s really shaky, I almost lost my balance. When going down, I was so scared ARG! DAMN shaky!! I’m very bad in balancing!! Luckily I didn’t fall and manage to got hold of my composure. Once down there, I was in a state of shock and everything went blank for quite a moment even when I’m leaving.
I think I had made a fool of myself talking up there and making some crazy requests which I don’t see those bloggers down there respond to it. They might be embarassed with what I had say. There were two more went up, one I know, one I don’t. I’m not sure was there any other bloggers went up after I left. I heard complains that there’s no freebies for them. *SHRUG* I know I got it because I was the first one reporting to them.
By the way, this event got nothing to do with, we were not involved in any of the organising or planning of it. We were only asked to inform the bloggers in our database about this event that everyone was invited. I know there were many people complaining and pointing fingers to us but you guys had pointed your fingers at the wrong direction.
Read the feedback here if you want.
went to the fun fair too after the blackberry party…won some prizes…XD
onineko, hahaha… lucky u
hehe! me too!! onineko’s cute.. hohoho! nice to meet u irene.. u r so slim!!! so envy lah.. *sobx*
U are the MC??
yienyien, hahah so thin lar π Hehehe…
windwalker, no le… I didn’t say I’m the MC hahaha…
lulz luckily i didn’t go. i watch olympic event instead wuuu~ too bad lcw also lost the match badly. sobsob
vIn, yea… Else you will really angry
i went there! and be franked, it’s actually kinda bored… sorry to say that but i did leave early as well..
LeeChien, don’t worry about it, just express your opinions about it and let them know.
Looks like a big party – it’s a nice device for sure.
Neil, I’m sure it is.
Nice pics of the Blackberry night at boulevard.. π
I wanted to go actually, but watched the Olympics instead.. Haha.. Badminton match mer.. =P
If I knew that there was gonna be a fun fair there as well, I would have went there larh.. >_<“
PP, many didn’t go because of the badminton match also π hehehe… The fun fair still on in August. So you can still go.
Owh~ I missed it! I was in kl i think..=(
If there’s any event coming up in kuching for bloggers, mind letting me know? thanks! ^^
Joshu@law, π