A: Where can I buy pondan?
B: You?!?!?! Why you need pondan?!?!? Are you all right?
A: Why? Wrong? I want to eat.
B: You eat pondan?!?!?! OMG!! What’s wrong with you my friend? There are so many girls out there and you go for pondan?!?!
A: What girl? I just want to make ice cream!
B: Oh dear…
For your information, the above conversation isn’t mean to discriminate anybody. Pondan is “Transvestite” in Malay language. Anyone in Malaysia regardless of of their race knows what “pondan” means.
Anyway… Everyone is having headache and not in very good mood these days due to the increment of fuel and rice. Soon, other items too will increase. The fuel increase more than 40%(for petrol) and more than 60%(for diesel), the rice that we usually bought at RM37 now costs more than RM50!! Other type of rice also incresed. So? We need to have our salary increase more than 60%, if 100% would be better. You think it’s possible? In your dream maybe…
Let’s go to something lighter. I was at a supermarket the other day and browsing the baking department, then LO & BEHOLD! I saw THIS!!! (photo below)
*LOL* Now you know why? This ice cream mix’s brand is Pondan. I wonder who would buy it in Malaysia hehehe… I almost choke on my own saliva when I saw the boxes. I thought my eyes were playing with my mind but it’s indeed P-O-N-D-A-N.
LOL! I wonder which company made the ice-cream?
windwalker, very funny right :p hahaha…
LOL.. i had to read the conversation twice, at least. I thought I read wrongly!
LOL… I’m out idea how to create the conversation
So simply make up one.
oic, there is such company. maybe i should spot it next time i go shopping centre
hp84, I think it’s an Indonesian company judging from the BM hahaha… To them it’s a nice name, to us it’s just plain @@