Congrates to today winners for the 2nd(left) and 3rd(right) riddles. Photos from Minex Jewellery. I just found out that the one who found the second treasure is my friend’s girlfriend! OMG! All kaki lang ;p Serious! There’s no cheating going on! Everyone worked their arse out to hunt for all these.
This is my 1200th post.
What’s not yours is not yours, hoping so much for it won’t do you any good. I hereby declare that I’m 70% giving up on the hunt. YAY! I’m sure you are very very happy because you got one less competitor. Another thing is that because I’m having my exam this weekend and it means I’m not hunting on Sunday and Saturday. Not only that, my partner in crime isn’t interested anymore that makes me loss all the mood for it, doing it alone isn’t fun and not easy.
Furthermore, I have to concentrate on my exam rather than cracking my head solving the riddle. The “morning call”(the riddle) everyday is making me wake up early every morning, you know I seldom wake up at 8am+ everyday (just in case I manage to solve it so I can dash out immediately to get the treasure, that’s why I wake up early to wait and prepare a bit). On usual days, I won’t be out of my room until 10am! ;p I can actually go back to sleep after posting it via my Twitter but it’s so tempting to crack the riddle until I’m all high and no longer want to sleep! Hehehe… No… No… No… Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, It’s kinda fun. It’s just not fun when you are always so close and got nothing.
1. The launch, so close… Specs, specs, specs!
2. Edwin shared the information with me, telling me he couldn’t find anything at Friendship Park. He was so close… He was at Friendship Park around 9am+ but didn’t look for rubbish instead looking for animals ;p
3. Jimmy was just outside 5Loaves Cafe and he didn’t go in to search! It’s his first stop summore! As we remember this place is where we always meet Ron when we thought of Jalan Keretapi. See la! Damn close!
4. Edwin told me it should be Padang Merdeka and we discussed it over the phone while he scoured the place. It’s found already by Jesselyn and sis! I did think of the big trees at Padang Merdeka but didn’t tell him earlier coz when I thought of it, he’s on duty already.
One thing I don’t understand is why people actually discuss and give clues so openly? *LOL* If you know, you should just share among your closed ones instead of out in the public ;p However, it’s a good way to draw traffic hehehe… Justin, you have to thank your readers for being so “open” *LOL*
I know I shouldn’t give up so easily but oh well… If one day it’s really meant for me, it will be mine, I’ll just go with the flow. I’m FRUST now!(according to Cyril) Hahaha… Good luck all you hunters out there.
Last but not least ;p I’m vain again… Even though I’m frust, I still have the mood to be vain, NAH!
Photos taken by Jimmy on MV Doulos. The one I like the most is the one on the right, the rest not very nice coz I really hate my hair ;p Now waiting for my hair to grow out especially the front part.
Oh ya.. One more thing, I got a comment saying that I’m always looking for free lunch/gifts, *LOL* I know I always said that if only people can sponsor me and so on which indirectly give impression on people that I want things for free. The fact is that there is no free lunch in this world la wei! If people want to give me free things, of course I’m happy to have it BUT there is always something you must give back in return. There’s no such thing as free. Hahaha… I’m not angry but it really tickled me when I saw the comment.
So… No need to hunt today anymore, it’s found. You better save ur energy and strategies for tomorrow.
JJ Lin’s post will come soon.
Haha, if I’m in Kuching I think I’ll just take leave to go for the hunt… lol… well, I hope my bro is lucky to get it so can give it to me as my birthday gift… lol…
Hehehe… Bopien, who ask u not in Kuching ;p
Bunyi mcm memang you frust.. but now I know how you feel.. hahaha
Hehehe… Memang pun. Frust menonggeng.