I baked a marble cake few weeks back. The lazy me went to bought the cake mix instead of sourcing out the ingredients myself hahaha…
This is the cake mix I bought, Nona Marble Cake Mix, you only need to add 4 eggs. The rest of the ingredients are already pre-mix and all in the box. It cost me RM7+. I just follow the instruction on the box.
Beat the margerine with egg then add on the flour. Mix well using high speed.
Place half of the mixture to another bowl and mix the cocoa powder.
Now, you got two colours of batter, layer them. I just followed the box’s instructions(misinterprete it) *LOL* It turned out become layer cake istead of marble cake hahaha… You will see later.
Don’t be fool by the marble pattern It’s just my bro took those batter that stucked to the bowl and “draw” on the yellowish layer hahaha… Since our baking tray is small, we put some into the cupcake cups.
Place in the oven with 180 degree Celcius, 45 minutes! GOSH! In fact, 15 minutes is more than enough! Since my convection mode was not really in good condition already, I opt for another mode. I thought it will required 45 minutes also -.-” I stoped it at about 20 minutes plus later because it seemed drying up. Ended up… Stone marble cake! Or I would stay stone layer cake hahaha… If I didn’t check on it, it would be BLACK!
Shouldn’t layer the batter like this, should have the first original batter as the base, then add on some cocoa batter on top without spreading it as a layer but just random spots, then pour the original one again, then cocoa one again, so on and so forth. After that, poke the skewer into the batter and “draw” in zig-zag motion. If you have it one layer of original batter, another one layer brown so on and so forth, there is no way you can “draw” any pattern at all and ended up like this.
As for the one in cupcake cups, they were just all right just fail in the pattern ;p. I used another oven for this. The normal oven, not the “high tech” type like the earlier one. For this, it really needs about 45 minutes.
So… Hahaha… My failed marble cake. This is even made from cake mix summore. What a shame hahaha… I never bake one successful cake so far hahaha… Cookies are easier
i understand!
the cocoa powder mixture looks yummy!
Nice try! I’ve always wanted to try to bake something. But I don’t even have a proper oven!
actually hor.. to make the marble effect, the choc goes in last. den u drag it around le.. U pour in from the mid den pull the bowl up so like they’re all in the center.. den u drag the choc around. It gives a better marbleness. Give it a try.
allen, hehehe…
nic, it’s very sweet hahaha…
apple, everytime my cake turn out unsuccessful one hahaha…
annna, ;p don’t think will do second time hehehe… *lazy* One time is enough liao hahaha… I just followed the box instructions and this effect came out *LOL* I misunderstood the instructions on the box that’s why become like that *LOL* Mabuk…
hehe…got failure baru will hve success…
i personally feel baking cake is much easier lo…after mixing just pour into the pan,cookie still need to cut one by one..arghh
cookies i seldom cut one LOL… But it’s fool-proof hehehe…
i brought the same and i tried baking it this morning. It doesnt turn out the nice marble cake i used to buy outside…but stll eatable. I follow exactly the instruction – 45 mins, 180 c, but .. top middle part of the cake stll like moose when it is done.. have no idea why..
hwee, I see… All I know that it is very sweet!! I guess you have to put a bit longer.