I decided to start a new category for this blog. No! it’s not like what you are thinking. I’m not in a relationship for the time being. You need two to tango. Ah well… I’ve been cracking my head to name this category and at the end it ended up with the straight forward phrase, “In Love”. I’m not gifted like some people which can come out with bizzare or unique title. So, make it simple and understandable, “In Love” it is!
What I’ll be writing in this category? As you know that I lost my boyfriend few years back due to tragic indicent at Phuket on 2004 Boxing Day. I didn’t know about it until January 2005. Long story cut short, you can read it here and here or if you want more or being kaypo, you can try to browse my old blogs and hunt for the stories hahaha… Just to make your life easier, just look at the sidebar and the links are there
The other day, I was feeling really crappy and I couldn’t sleep well for few nights in a row and I even cried myself to sleep two days in a row. It’s not a glamorous thing to admit it here though. First night, I cried for two hours -.-‘ I didn’t know I could actually cry this long hahaha… Then the second night just teary eye when I’m trying to go to sleep. For these two nights, whenever I closed my eyes, all the memories of him kept playing in my mind. I don’t know why, what had triggered it? I really have no idea at all.
Then I realised that the memories I have for him are fading bits by bits. It’s not as vivid as before anymore. There are many details that I can no longer recall or very vague. I don’t want these memories to fade. Some of you might be saying that I still can’t let go of him, whatever…
They’re just something beautiful and memorable that you don’t want to forget. I don’t think there’s anything wrong. There are so many beautiful moments happened when you are in love and I just want to share it. It’s like a collection of stories. At least I put it somewhere where it will live(unless I ended my blog which I don’t think I’ll do so hahaha…) while my memories are fading. Besides that, he left me not because we were in bad terms but it’s some what taken away in a tragic way so it’s different from breaking up with your ex that you rather forget everything that you had with him or her.
So, from time to time I will be populating this category whenever I have the time and mood with all the memories I have about him, I hope my memories aren’t fading too fast so that I can complete the whole story. It’ll go like “Chapter 1: blah blah..”, “Chapter 2: blah blah..” and so on until the time I got the bad news. It will end there. Anything after that I would like to forget about them except the memories when I got to know his sister and his brother but this will be another story hahaha…
Who knows when I’m in love again, you will be seeing “In Love II” hahaha… Give me some love~
By the way, do visit irenelaw.com hehehe.. I started blogging there but the layout is not really fixed yet, the header still need a lot of works, the colour just feel a bit odd and I haven’t add in ad banners and other plugins hahaha… Well a PR3, it has the potential to make some moolah out of it but you won’t be seeing paid posts for the time being hahaha…
Also, we had revamped Sarawakian.net! Hehehe… It was in the newspapers few days ago too! However, I haven’t update about it yet
keeping in memories is ok. just dun let it holding u back, ya? :p
it feels sad to lose someone you love for watever reason.
i still love my ex till today even though we have call it quit more than a year ago.
but the memories of him are still with me but not as vivid as before.
maybe it’s time for me to move on?
only time will tell.
aiya… Mr pretender ar… So long MIA… Busy with work and studies huh??!?! Nuh~ It’s not holding me back so no problem hehehe… As you can see… I did say something like it takes two to tango so… Need to say more *LOL*
glitz2z, hello! Welcome to my blog! Well… Don’t worry about that, it’s only one year. It takes time. There is no need to rush yourself into a new relationship else it won’t do any good to you and your new boyfriend. Just take your time as long that you don’t hold yourself back like what pretenders said.
It’s not easy and we all know. All the best!
u dun miss me ler….i also “dun” wanna miss u lor… :p
pretender, eee… You want me to dedicate a post to you is it? HAHAHA…
hahaha…. irene a lot of emo post lately hor…
wilson, yealo… bad mood… how?
errr…..i think i better MIA again :p
Good to put down the memories and share with us.
Btw, I have plenty of love to give, you want some?
pretenders, hahah… OK :p So I need to dedicate a post to you hahaha… As if I’m so free hahaha…
Neo, what kind of love? Hahaha…
no no no no no….dun ever ever do that….
*run far far* :p
blek… You think I’ll do that? Cannot run too far!! Come back! Hahaha…
irene… love is in the air….
just grab it..
Where? Where? Hahaha…
la… u so late… already fly off. wait for next round..
Hahaha… I rather grab money!
u grab the right one, the money will just flow in…
hahaha… Yea yea…
okay.. this post comment stop… wait for next post to spam!