I’m sure Photobook is no stranger to people these days. You see the advertisements everywhere online. I have so many photos that are still in my hard disk that are not printed yet. I decided to try this website out when they have some promotions going around. I ordered its 4R prints and also 8″x6″ landscape Photobook. For the latter, I downloaded the software into my laptop, did my album design, and submit it for printing. It took awhile to figure out how to use the software but it shouldn’t be much a problem with people nowadays who are pretty much IT literate. Bear in mind though, it does hang a bit but just be patient. There’s also phone app that you can download to do your album design. I did not expect to received the final product in less than 7 business days. The quality is surprising good! Certainly a return customer. So far I’ve ordered three times from them already.
This post is not sponsored by them. I’m doing it because I’m a happy user of it. Do check them out from time to time for special offers so that you can try out their service without burning your pocket.
By the way get FREE Photobook or 4R Prints (100 pieces) now!