Was lucky to be invited to Mummycare Baby-in-Walker Driving Contest 2008 by Mummycare to cover their event. This event is sponsored by Mamypoko and MyDear, organised by Crown Square and Mummycare.
The starting line. You usally see a row of motorbikes, bicycles or cars but here you see babywalkers! Hahaha…
The “obstacle course” for the babies to navigate. One parent for each baby would be inside the “course” to lure his/her baby towards the finishing line. It was quite funny and it’s was a chaos! Hahaha…
There are too many pictures and many babies, therefore I have to do this…
There were 36 of them! Each round is divided into 6 babies but I only have 33 babies here because the other 3 photos are blurred. It’s not easy to shoot using a compact camera in such situation. There are too many movements!! Hahaha… So look out for two babies that didn’t want to “walk” instead they started to make friend at the starting line hahaha… SO CUTE!! Can you spot them in the sea of photos?
So many of them! The babywalkers you see here are from MyDear.
The prizes are sponsored by Mummycare and Mamypoko. The grand prize winner got lots of supply of Mamypoko disposable diapers! Participants all got vouchers and all the winners were given with medals. The top 4 got Mamypoko disposable diapers in addition of the vouchers and medals.
The winners! The family in the middle with the crowns I placed on top of them is the winner! The baby also got the Best Driver of the Year award! Hahaha…
Congratulations to all the winner and remember to visit Mummycare for your baby needs.
Nice coverage despite using a compact camera. Especially u got 33 of the 36 contestant. Sweet!
Edwin hahaha… Kinda surprise I did actually get 33 of the faces hahaha…
Some of the babies are so cute. Any video for that?
I think it’s easier to use compact cam than to use dslr to shoot babies.
ahlost, hahaha.. no video
Everyone took pics only hahaha…