WOW! Ben tagged me for the first time and already throw this long one to me. So many questions, feels like being interview by future in-laws (-.-“) as if I had this experience before *LOL* This is going to take a while.
1) Are your parents married or divorced?
2) Are you a vegetarian?
No. I don’t like it… too oily, too many MSG, too salty, too sweet. Oh… I’m not impress with people that claimed to be a vegetarian becuase of their religion. Especially when their religion says no to killing animal but they have this mentality of eating vegetarian meat to replace the real meat. This simply means you are not even “clean” spiritiually because you still have the urge to want to eat meat but you can’t therefore have to resort to vegetarian meat to get a taste of real meat. I don’t mind eating vegetarian food for fun, I like some of them but not all.
3) Do you believe in Heaven?
4) Have you ever come close to dying?
Hmm.. Once when I was still very little. I ran across the street wihtout knwoing a car was going to speed by so fast. It’s like a split second only. Scary. That’s why I don’t really dare to cross the road alone.
5) What jewellery do you wear 24/7?
None. At leats not now.
6) Favourite time of day?
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
8) Do you wear makeup?
At least not now. If I’m going out during the day time, just foundation, blusher and lip balm and/or lip gloss. Usually if I go out at night, my face is bare, only apply lip gloss. Depends on the occassion also. No matter what, lip balm is always on.
9) Ever have plastic surgery?
10) Do you colour your hair?
Dyed it last year. No plan to dye it again.(p/s: photo after two hair washes after the cut)
11) What do you wear to bed?
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
Some traffic offences :p never get caught though.
13) Can you roll your tongue?
14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
15) What kind of sneakers?
Just normal ones. Not a sneakers fan anyway.
16) Do you believe in abortions?
No. Unless for health reason.
17) What is your hair color?
Half black and half brown
18) Future child’s name?
Never thought of it.
19) Do you snore?
I don’t think so. No one said anything to me
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
First stop hmmm… so hard to decide, Perth? Disneyland? Guam? *SHRUG*
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Nope. Never like them. They only collect know how to dust and make me sneeze.
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
I’ve never bought any so there is no such thing.
23) Gold or silver?
Gold, of course. Who wants to be the second. I want to be the winner!
24) Hamburger or hot dog?
Roadside burger rules!
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm… NO!!!
26) City, beach or country?
27) What was the last thing you touched?
Keyboard. DUH~ I’m typing this meme.
28) Where did you eat last?
At home.
29) When’s the last time you cried?
Few weeks ago?
30) Do you read blogs?
That’s what bloggers do.
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Dont’ think so. Impossible hahaha… I don’t have such masculine body.
32) Ever been involved with the police?
33) What’s your favourite shampoo conditioner and soap?
Hmm… So far no fav shampoo/conditioner. Oh I don’t use soap, I use shower gel
34) Do you talk in your sleep?
Hmm.. I don’t think so.
35) Ocean or pool?
36) So, who has the original missing questions? #36, 37, 61, and 62.
What were they?
37) Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?
38) Window seat or aisle?
39) Ever met anyone famous?
40) Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
NO. It’s not what I want and I feel like I’m missing many things.
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Who is Ricki?
43) Basketball or Football?
Ball gown?
44) How long do your showers last?
10 minutes or so, sometimes can take up like 45 minutes ;P
45) Automatic or do you drive a stick?
Auto. I’m lost in how to drive a manual already.
46) Cake or ice cream?
Ice cream.
47) Are you self-conscious?
48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
I don’t drink.
49) Have you ever given money to a beggar?
50) Have you been in love?
51) Where do you wish you were?
I don’t know.
52) Are you wearing socks?
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
54) Can you tango?
55) Last gift you received?
56) Last sport you played?
Eeek… I don’t play any sports for so long ever since I don’t know…
57) Things you spend a lot of money on?
58) Where do you live?
59) Where were you born?
60) Last wedding attended?
Last November, Ely and Cindy’s.
61) Spit or swallow?
62) Favorite position?
63) Most hated food(s)?
Luncheon meat.
64) What’s your least favourite?
65) Can you sing?
Ok lar… Not so bad. *Blek*
66) Last person you instant messaged?
My bro.
67) Last place you went on holiday?
68) Favourite regular drink?
Plain water.
69) Current Song?
Don’t have any.
70) Tag 2 friends:
Miracle8 and Pink cotton. Wahahah…
Aiyaa…. So long… People complain lo…
Wow, longest meme I have ever came across! Wonder originated from who…
Anyway, what’s “ménage à trois for a dirty weekend”?
I don’t know
I assumed that it’s something wild and hot and naughty? Hahaha…
hahahaha…. i did this one as well.. ahhahaha… u can actually read mine on my blog. hahaha…
Is it? Hehehe.. OK… I tried to go in just now but couldn’t. Will try again.
ohhh too bad …mebe nxt time u can tag me ^_^
hey you r really lucky to hv natural curls…hahaha….no need to spend money to ‘make em’
Hehehehe… Yea… Very lucky no need to spend money on it but the curls sometimes nice sometimes not nice, not constant.
so long punya tag… -_-|||
The favorite position one is about sex.
And the one I was blur about… no. 64 Least Favorite I think it refers to sex as well and somehow the questions got switched.
Hahah… I should’ve tagged Allen!! *lol*
LOL!! Noo…. spare me!
Should’ve tag Allen. Since Pink Cotton already got tagged before hahaha…
Lux, hahahah… since it didn’t say it’s about sex, no mention of any word there so it can be referred as anything and I’m just too lazy to make any assumptions.
lalalala.. *pretend don’t know*
Haha… Allen’s screwed.
Next time I’m tagging him. *takes out sniper* Muahahaha!
Yes Allen, I’m evil. Now then you know ar?
I tagged Allen before and it took him ages to complete a meme WAHAHA…
65) Can you sing?
Ok lar… Not so bad. *Blek*
hmmm? podcast, podcast :p
i also dunno what is Ménage à trois…let me wiki it.
more reference….mwhahaha….i’m evil today ;p
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opsss…. only above comment has that :p
Hehehe… coz when there are moe than one URL in the comment it will not be displayed and need approval.
Don’t want podcast. Hahaha…