We are relying too much on Internet these days. Can you live without it? For me? I CAN’T!
There was an outage just now and I had no more backup to go online as I canceled my Celcom Broadband. I don’t have the new kind of phone that allows me to go online, the most I could do is tweet using SMS. I was pretty restless just now hahaha… Really… Without Internet, I got nothing else to do. You can see how much I rely on the Internet everyday and how much time I spend online(at least 11 hours a day if I’m not going anywhere). I felt like something was missing. See how addicted I am ;p
Few hours is fine but if it’s more than 24 hours, I don’t think I can stand it unless I’m in somewhere with totally no Internet connection. In that case, for a day or two is fine with me. Cannot too long though, part of my income relies on the Internet. Without it, I would be broke!
How about you?
What if one day the Internet connection is down all over the world? What will happen? I really cannot think of the consequences, the world would be in a huge chaos!
everyone is relying too much on the internet…i will even fb on my phone even when im out O_O
Pink Cotton, hehehe… I know, many people also do like that but lucky not me. However, I will do like that too if I own a phone that allows me to surf the Internet which it happened during my last KL trip when I borrowed my bro’s phone for the trip hahaha…
Go raise funds and get bald, haha!
jam, hehehe… No bald for me ;p
Me also cannot. Not for even half day. Therefore, I have Celcom 3G as backup now. 😉
Jayce, Internet addict that is ;p