The grand opening of Level Up Fitness is today. I went there just for fun ;p I was late for almost one hour because I went out late and took quite a bit of time to find parking.
Left: The overview of the exterior.
Right: Just a random shot.
Kenny giving his speech and introducing his gym.
FYI, I hate the light!!! See the people turned out so purplish? What is wrong with just using normal light? It looks horrible in photos and also not nice in actual scene.
After that, we headed to the front where the ribbon cutting ceremony and lion dance performance took place.
Saw Stephanie Chai there, so I took the opportunity to have photo with her since she wasn’t occupied that time.
After the opening ceremony ended, I asked Kenny and Stephanie for a photo but the photos turned out all blurred because it’s not bright enough and I didn’t activate the flash. So a bit of movement will cause them to become blurry. I’m so short even with heels -.-” Hahaha…
They had photo shooting session at the stage and the reception counter so I joined the others to take some photos.
After that we had lunch. Then I joined the 1-hour Body Combat session without sports shoes, I did it barefooted hehehe… It’s quite painful coz the floor was hard but when I got used to it, it’s quite OK though. Still, it’s better to wear shoes ;p Body Combat really rocks! It’s not boring like those martial arts. I’m so bad in my coordination but with more practices, this will not be much of a problem.
Wait till I get my sports shoes first then I redeem my membership to fully utilized the gym for one month. Not November though, I definitely cannot find a sports shoes in such short time frame coz I’m so the very picky with shoes! Told you before I can go all over Kuching just for a pair of shoes ;p Maybe in December? Hmm… Maybe next year after CNY coz December is my exam month, then I’ll be away for traveling for about a week in January 2010, then February 2010 is CNY. Aiks… December seems to be the best time. We’ll see how by then. Just go as the flow.
So if you want to join, sign up quickly before the RM99/month for a year offer is gone, do it before November! Else you won’t get to enjoy such fee for a year.
Level Up Fitness Sdn. Bhd. (850591-U)
Wisma Everrise, Lot 376, Jalan Petanak
93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel: 082-233 222
Fax: 082-415 367
E-mail: info (at) levelupfitness (dot) com
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm
Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays 9am to 6pm
how much is the joining fees and monthly fees??
andy, it’s in the post already, sign up before november it’s RM99/month for 1 year contract. First payment is RM200+ if you sign up before november. This RM200+ include registration fee and 2 months fee. I don’t quite remember the exact amount but it’s between RM200-300.
After November, it will go back to normal price. If not mistaken it’s RM199/month. Please contact them directly to get the correct information. Have fun!
as for now.. it’s RM297 when you join. RM99 joining fee plus the info you’ve just given
It’s nice to meet you there after sometimes we didn’t meet
Yes.. very hard to find parking..
but glad that it’s only today that it’s hard to find parking 
ahlost, yea… luckily it’s only today ;p long time no see.
bad stage lighting! >.<
allen, yes… aih…
Em, did you try adjusting the cam setting and making the white exposure deemir. WOrks sometimes.
Cyril, the lighting is bad, nuff said. Forget about all your camera settings when there is no time for it at all, everything happens so quickly, setting will help but that’s secondary, like you said, sometimes but not all the time. This is what you see and what you get in real life. It isn’t a very nice view seeing human with purplish skin on stage especially when you are not clubbing, this is a formal event, and if it’s beauty or fashion show, it will be horrible too, “uglified” the models >.<
Cyril i’ve experienced similar lighting in one of the expo sometime ago. It’s just pure, bad lighting, which I think is suitable to be used as main light in such occasions. Can’t really compensate the WB on the camera setting.
Irene, is it similar to the expo last time?
allen, you mean NOT suitable right? ;p Yes… Exact same type of light, I didn’t notice it at first but I suspected that it was when I saw those purplish tinge on the stage and on the people on the stage where white colour objects/clothes became purplish, and skintone was odd too. Then I looked up. LO & BEHOLD! That same kind of light! *sweat*
NOT suitable.. LOL! forgot to check back here for update on comments
hahah ;p