Went to Kenyalang last night because the weather was so good! So good till so hard to find parking and many people because most people were stranded few days back and could only managed to come out now but who knows when we were there for about half hour, WAH! HEAVY RAIN! -.-” Everyone gave a long sigh when it rained. It was quite funny. However, it rained for a while only. Then it stopped. People were less by then coz the rain scared them away hehehe…
OK… Let’s just see some photos that I took last night:
Before rain.
After rain.
We didn’t buy many things and it was funny to get those shopkeepers wondering why we were buying them in small amount *LOL* No point to buy many, no one will eat except ourselves and some of them we bought to eat now, not for CNY ;p
Don’t really like to buy things there cos it’s really very hard to find parking there :X
Yealo… Since I’m not the one drive I don’t mind ;p
wah.. everyone sighed.. hahaha that would be funny!
Yea… It was quite funny.
The rain is killing the mood…..
wah, so long i din go kenyalang lor.. seems happening there..
eh?got rain ka?i was also there that nite..hehe
i think i went after the rain…
keeman, yea.
leechien, many clothes and shoes there ;p Cham… I saw them and thinking of buying again -.-”
pinkcotton, maybe u were there earlier or after the rain hehehe…