Thanks to Jimmy and International Times for the invitation to cover this charity event. No, I don’t get VIP tickets, all I got was worker pass, means no place to sit, you either stand the whole night or sit on the floor or find somewhere can sit to sit.
Left: 3 more “colleagues” *LOL* The 3 handsome guys, Calvin, Fahriee, Norman *LOL*
Right: The dancers started the show of the night. So hard to take pictures of them as the smoke was overwhelming!
Mike? He’s the winner of the JJ singing contest that was held last month at Wisma Saberkas. I was thinking he will have chance to duet with JJ but he didn’t. I think he should be given this chance. The other two were the MCs of the night.
Those who are crazy about JJ, here you go… All these photos are dedicated to you!
Want more? This lucky girl got so “close” to him hehehe… They were playing game, they had to dance like JJ, few simple steps and they got some prizes, no idea what. I think maybe it’s CD.
One and only lucky shoot but not very clear when he’s doing the “stunt” and more photos for you, the fan of JJ to drool.
More… More… Then, it’s time to come down to greet the VIPs, I didn’t manage to get his photo, too fast and people were protecting him from being “attacked” by crazy fans. I was only few inches away from him when he walked passed. This is the only photo I could get of him greeting the VIPs.
It’s a charity “concert”. The proceeds are for Mental Health Association of Sarawak.
Souvenirs for JJ and the autograph session began.
The closest I could get. Wonder whose hand was that? I’m sure she “melted”. You see how JJ looks at her hahaha…
One last shoot. I didn’t get this shoot when Rynn was here.
On the last note, I’m sorry to say that there were some bloggers that were given with free tickets used someone’s name to cheat their way to the stage during autograph session to take photos! Only those authorised with special pass could go up, even us with pass didn’t go up because there were too many people on the stage. This had caused dissatisfactions to the organiser and you had caused unwanted inconveniences to the person that gave you the tickets.
You people know who you are. Therefore, I don’t think there will be anymore free tickets given out in near future. We will just close the invitation to several bloggers that we will pick randomly to have special access provided we will still be given the opportunity to do so. No more giving out some free tickets to others to watch the show and later cheat their way tru’ with someone’s name to gain access into prohibited zone. I doubt these people read my blogs anyway. Don’t blame us for not giving out free tickets to anything in near future because those minority had screwed the chance for other bloggers.
damn, that is really bad. A very hard hit to the other bloggers too. Darn.
A lesson learned, but costs dearly.
Irene, you should continue with the hunt, who knows, you’ll find one soon for your Xmas gift.
Norman, hehehe… Don’t worry I’m not fully giving up. Today’s riddle not easy ;p
my blog updated.. hehe,.. many photos.. come to support me ya…
Oii Jimmy! Advertise here pula! :p Pay money ar… Hahaha…
JJ looks so Chinese !! I mean, Chinese from China
ahlost, *LOL* this means he’s 100% of Chinese heritage no mix mix ;p
yup, he’s pure chinese.
But, Yu Zhong isn’t. He’s mixed with Bidayuh on the father’s side (his grandmother), same like me.
Btw. that night rawks!
Hahaha, Irene, I think I know the person though. Saw his blog….
norman, hehehe… I also mix ;p Bidayuh. Yea… That’s the person. Don’t forget to find some of your best pics to be send to me to be featured.
Yeah definitely.
I got one problem. 20 pictures…125 Mb.
I did send you a collage pictures.
Hahahaa, you’re mix too.
Small world. It’s quite easy to see though, if you look at Yu Zhong’s eyes. Same goes with yours.
Btw, what’s your web hosting?
LOL… you send the pics in batches instead of one go ;p My web hosting? It’s my own.
Where do you send the collage? I didn’t get it.