Down, still down! Streamyx SUCKSSSSSSSSSS! Tomorrow is still a holiday!!! GRRRR!!! I’m borrowing my friend’s line now.*SIGH*
Let me present to you, Jalan Song. One of the food galores in Kuching. It’s always packed almost every night. Well… It won’t be that packed if there is no pirated DVDs or VCD on sale. Still, this is the place to get all kind of food. From local food such as laksa, kampua, kolomee… To international food like western and japanese food.
(Right photo)Here’s where people digging for pirated DVDs and VCDs. If you know how to bargain, it’s going to be dirt cheap. Quality wise, you have to depend on your luck. Fight piracy! Does it work? I don’t think so hahaha… When there is such demand, I don’t think there is anyway to stop it. In this situation, if the enforcement officers suddenly came, can you imagine how the scene will be? WOW!
Met Lee, Johnson and Nick(mystery guest of the day) and we ordered some food for supper. I only remember to take two photos of the food that I’m craving for hahaha… The rest I forgot. Hehehe… We ordered Takoyaki, Uncle BOB Fried Chicken Fillet, “zhu chang fen”(no photo) and kampua(no photo).
Uncle BOB Fried Chicken Fillet gains its popularity last year at Kuching Festival Food Fair. However, it doens’t taste so good last night, kinda tasteless compare to those times I had at the food fair. You can have spicy or original, each costs RM4.50.
Then, this is Takoyaki, They claimed that it the first Kuching. It was in The Borneo Post, PostMag before. I had a sudden crave for it actually, that’s why we ended up at Jalan Song Hehehe… One box is RM3.50, each box consisted of two octopus takoyaki and two prawn takoyaki. I love the bonito that were sprinkled on top, they looked plastic like hahah… Takoyaki tastes odd for those who have it for the first time. Once you get used to it, it’s quite delicious hehehe… *drool* Does the real takoyaki tastes like this? I’m not sure. Wait till one day I visit Japan for it hahaha… In my dream…
So, that’s all about Jalan Song. It’s not in the city center. The only way is to get there by taxi or drive yourself there. Not much food choices during day time but at night you will be spoilt with so many choices. Hmm… I’m still craving for more takoyaki -.-”
Posts like this are bittersweet for me. Every time I read one I long to be in Kuching. But they also bring up good memories and make me excited about my next trip. Jalan Song is one of those places I really enjoy. Its a lot of fun and you never know what or who you will see there. Thinking about the food makes my tummy growl.
Wah, look very song, wan 2go if next time in Kuching.
Jay, I think you can only enjoy the photos unless you come back again.
Monkey, can go lar…
it test really nicesssss,,,kacang hijau
Hello drifter, kacang hijau? -.-“
uncle bob looks nice…
i wan to eat…
Not bad, quite nice *slurp*
ehh.. sure ah.. wait i take my blog money go find u for holiday… u foc tour guide 4 me…
follow like neo use blog money go holiday…
Hahaha… Neo earn a lot!!
His blog very high PR
oohh.. i cannot go so far like phuket lo..
can go kuching enuf i also happy…
Kuching far
You have to fly here hahaha…
kuching and phuket… both also far… there no FOC tour guide for me..
No need tour guide, discover yourself hahaha…
take long time to discover.. onli got 1 week there..
Kuching is small, you can discover in less than a week *LOL*
cannot be wat… even the cats also bigger than normal cats..!
When you are here you will know