The weather is super hot! However, I still want to eat “Ma La” Steamboat! HAHAHA… Crazy!
Ok… I’m just talking rubbish here or whatever you are thinking. I’m just stuck with something now and have no idea on how to do it so I’m a bit “crazy” now. Or if you think that I look down on you or I’m being jealous, then that’s your problem. It’s just the trend that I noticed lately after blogging for 7 years!! 7 years and I’m still one of the little fish swimming in blogsphere yet people started later than me had became very big fish already.
I found out that many bloggers started blogging because they are inspired by Kenny Sia. Almost everyone of them going like “I started this blog becasue I read Kenny Sia and I’m inspired by him”, something along this line. Everything Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia. So I’m proud to say that I’m not inspired by him!
YAY! At least I’m different! I started my blog so much earlier than him, that’s in 2001 but I’m still not popular. It’s Ann that suggested me to blog and I just did it without much thinking because my main aim was to keep in touch with my friends. Not many were into blogging that time and many might not even aware that there was this thing called blog until Kenny Sia became a phenomena(at least in Malaysia). You know, I really got kinda fed up already by this “I’m inspired by Kenny Sia yada.. yada…” thing but then he made it big of course most bloggers got inspired by him. No doubt but still hmmm… I don’t feel like it’s very original lo~ Especially those trying very hard to mimic his blogging style. Go get your own identity lar~ And oh… I’m not his die hard fan in anyway, thank you.
Then now, blogging can make money for you. Almost everyone started a blog for the sake of making money from sponsored posts and advertisement banners. Again… I’m proud that I started it long before this monetizing your blog trend started. YAY! I’m different again! Of course I’m part of the dark side now. I’m monetizing my blog just like everybody else! HAHAHAH! Still I make sure I have more original contents than sponsored ones.
For goodness sake! I found that some blogs are damn lame and not original! All they do is just posting stuffs forwarded to them in their e-mails. Or some tech blogs just copy and paste the latest news they found on the Net from different sources. I close my browser immediately after seeing them. You are damn pathetic OK?!?!? I don’t mind if the blog have a mixture of the former and the later as long that you have your original contents in there else you are damn pathetic.
Not that I’m a blogging guru, if I am, I’m going to be more popular than Kenny Sia! It’s just the fact that these are what we are seeing nowadays in blogsphere. There is a lack of originality and quality blogs nowadays.
I’m jealous? I look down on you? I don’t care what you are thinking! The fact is that I’m proud that I’m not inspired by the same person that inspired many bloggers and I started mine so much earlier than those big fishes. Also, I started my blog not because of the money too. So yea! I have a reason to be proud of myself and my blog though I’m not BIG!
AH!! It’s 12.50am now… I’m still stuck. Still can’t get any idea. Better go to sleep. Nite!
P/S: You can also treat this post as SEO post hahaha….
Wow. U started to blog back in 2001? Kewl. I think my very first post was back late 2003, dunno how I got to know about blogging back then. Then I remember stopping for quite a long period back after a close friend of mine passed away. Then it was an on off thingy, because I decided to kept my life private
But it’s all good anyway.. So cheers to you on ur proud post 
Oh yeah, cool plugin for spam. Mine I everyday at least receive like 10 of them before I found the plugin.. So it’s all good
Yeap, I never stop since 2001 hahaha…
Only this year I upgraded to using WordPress. I’ve been using the basic HTML to update my blog heheh…
oh yeah… forgot to sms you back on the ma la steamboat. I tell you… I was laughing when you sent me that sms! the weather so hot and you still wanna eat hot steamboat? Are you trying to flood the area with our sweat? *lol* I’m game for it… though I hope they have non-spicy alternative. I like spicy ones on cold day, but not hot day! I’m just not free on this Saturday and Monday. Otherwise I’m free.
Who else is coming?
Lux, hahaha.. I know it’s funny
Crazy.. So hot still want to eat that :p Most probably we will be making it next Friday night. Most of our gang will be joining so far they all said they want to go for it *LOL* Don’t worry
the steamboat is split into two sides ehehhe… One side spicy one side not, so it’s not so bad.
wow.. cool spam protecter… I need this… faster faster… whats the name of the plugin…
okay, back to biz… my blog lame or not? tell me d truth… of cos I can’t deny i do keep on blogging there so I can maintain writing sponsored post..
I can’t remember the name of the plugin
hahaha… Just google it and you can easily find it.
Yours lame meh? If lame, I won’t link you at the first place hahaha… Hehehe… Everyone kept writing because of sponsored post, we are so “hardworking”
Wilson: Math Spam Protection Plugin for WordPress
Friday? Sure sure… That’s tomorrow. OK… goodie! Tell me the time and where, ok?
eh auntie… y didn’t invite me geh.. i also wanna eat. i see the photos of the food here also saliva dripping jor…

Lux is “next” Friday hahaha… this Friday many can’t made it.
Wilson, you so far away le. How? Show you photos can lar
oh… luckily you tell me. *lol* Oh yeah, did you send me sms around 8.45pm 10 May? Because my phone hanged and when I restarted, the sms is gone.
Hahah… Yeap! I smsed to tell you that it’s next Friday not this Friday hehehe…
i added the maths spam plugin d… hahaha… shall i one more number to it? 1+1+1 = ?
dunno the plugin know how to minus or not?
Hahaha… You are the expert
Go play with the codes and have your own hehehe…
wahahaha.. i write a bot that knows hw to calculate…
Wilson, jiak ba so eng
muahahaha…. jiak ba then do what le…write stuffs lo… i just finish make the iMeem Widget… :p
Hahaha… OK… Jiak ba go to sleep
get enough rest hahaha…