Fill in your own word
I’ll just let the photo do the talking. Stay tuned for more update about it hehehe… I’m SO HAPPY!!
I will update about it very very soon. Isn’t that a very huge ring? Guess how many carat is that diamond? *smiling from ear to ear*
For those of you that knew what was going on, SHHHHH… Don’t say anything! ;p Let me tell them myself.
Your getting married.. I know..hehhe.. The guy whom gave you the ring must reaaaalllyyyy love you…. Look at how big it is!!!
Anyway, he loves me more than you… coz I got two of those, 4 including emy’s share….kekekek
cdason wants to compete for my ring eh? ;p I don’t know which to choose, I got two also, how? Help me!!
Nice ring o… Got two again, so rich le the guy XD
Serene, yealo… Which one to wear?
wah~~~~!!!! congrats!!! i feel happy for u
hahahaha, NNliao, never tell me de, blek
Wahhhhhhh so big the rock!!! I think at least 1 carat ler!
hahaha…i got two…. both big… same as yours…
according to Cyril… he gave it to me… but i replied him that, mr.benjamin gave me both,,,,,hahahahaha
anyway…congrats for your wedding…kekekekekekeke
Hahaha.. so many congrats…. Owh well… Congrats on your engagement Irene!! wuahahaha..
oo.. congrats
Thank you everyone, stay tuned for the update in these few days!;)
I just left him a message whether the lady said yes or not. But I don’t think I need to wait for the answer. It is definitely a yes. It is hard to resist that rock! LOL
Haha just so happen i read his post first and then yours .. so now i know … from last time i ask you, you owes deny

Anyway, congratulations to both of you.
yaya, i am waiting for ur ‘wedding dinner’, hahahahahahhahahahahahaha … ‘congrateeeeeeeeeeee’
hahaha.. congratulation.. kaka..
alysha, you won’t see wedding dinner for my wedding one ;p
I smell something fishy here..
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Happy for you!!!!
I second Patrick, smelling something fishy…
Wow.. congratulations!!..
Now on 2nd thought, it may be a trick ..
you might be saying “I’m Envious” instead of “I’m engaged” hahahhah
If not for some people saying he’s got two and someone got another one… it won’t be that fishy afterall..
Just wait and see