Announcement to make…
I arrived safely in Busan. Phew… What an advanture! I was on my own all the time with very very little knowledge of Korean -.-” Everyone was speaking Korean, even on the flight, majority were Koreans. The journey was more than 26 hours! Long transits.
From Adelaide to Singapore, then to Seoul, transfer to another airport in Seoul, then lastly to Busan.
The food on Singapore Airline was great
Even though the travel hour was long, I had a comfortable flights because the flights weren’t full and those who traveled on their own were not assigned with any other passenger on the same row!
I got windows seat for both international flights with no one sitting next to me.
WOW! GREAT! Paying for economy class but get huge seat space! Luckily! Else I’ll really be in serious discomfort.
On the way to Busan, I’m the only non-Korean. Got to see the sunrise of the first day of 2012 on the flight to Busan.
I’m almost disconnected here! Going to the pre-mobile phone era. All my phones are useless as I didn’t subscribe to the global roaming service at the airport. Foreigners/Tourists cannot use their own phones for auto roaming. We need to subscribe to the service here and rent a mobile phone here. The service is only available in the airports! -.-” I didn’t know. So… I can’t be contacted with my M’sia and Aus numbers even though I have the auto roaming activated. I’m totally out of touch with the outside world.
As for Internet, very limited. No WiFi in the hostel, only have in the uni. In the room, need network cable for it and I’m waiting for my roommate to get a cable for me, no point for me to buy, I’m not using it after this. They didn’t tell us we should bring LAN cable. *smack head* Now, I’m relying on the roommate’s pocket WiFi.
This is my very first post in Busan! My class starts today, so many handsome guys! Not the Koreans but the other exchange students hehehe… Eye candies it is! Going to the UN Memorial Cemetery later at 2pm.