Had snow ice at Star Cineplex last Sunday. Damn! I want to CURSE!!! It’s BAD!! Very bad! If you are the owner of this chain or related to them, please take note! It sucks!
On the wall, it stated “Simply Irresistable”, I’m sorry… It should be “Simply Resistable”!
I had snow ice from iGloo many times already and this is the worst! Luckily I didn’t pay full price for it instead I’m using the buy 1 free 1 coupon from My Privilege Book. I’m very disappointed with what they had given me at the “station” at Star Cineplex.
The texture sucks big time. It’s more like “paste” than snow ice. It’s not fluffy and cooling. Instead it’s yucky! Just like eating “ice paste”. I rather eat normal shave ice or ice cream than having this kind of “paste”. I really don’t know how to explain.
Here’s the texture it should look like or like this, not what I’m showing here. I know it’s not clear but you can see the presentation, I don’t mean the container, I mean the texture and how messy it is. It’s enough to turn you off! Imagine if people that had never tried this before and tried it for the first time at Star Cineplex, you will lose your customer for good, don’t forget the cineplex is always a place with lots of people, quality control is very important!
I know I’m very harsh in this post, what to do?!?! I’m in really foul mood! Damn it! Why do things always have to come in one go!??! Sigh… BUSY!!!
Cool, calm down. I cia you a nice a nice snow ice next time la.
haha… need more ice to cool down ;p
*LOL* Woah… so busy? Hmm… means paycheck, right?
The iGloo sounds foul. Not going there.
elvawenn, if only it will mean paycheck, if it is, I won’t complain but it’s not DARN! As for igloo, other branches are OK, they have the quality but this is the one that sucks big time, I really don’t know why, I think they didn’t train the workers there enough, they didn’t practice enough QC there.
It’s not paycheck? Huh. OK… no wonder you’re mad.
Its a common scenario with fanciers, different places different quality. Like KFC also the same. They should be monitoring the QC strictly and don’t just simply open a francier and jeopardize the reputation of the brand name.
Hahaha.. yealo… sien…
this is not right, is it because the cinema wasn’t cold enough ?? i’d never ordered there before. thanks for showing the “pastiness”, will definitely reconsider to make my order there ..

n, would you like to exchange links ??
levian, hahaha… I don’t know why like that @@ hahaha… Sure
Welcome to exchange link hehehe…
ha?this one worse than the other branches in kuching??sure very teruk
i nvr like the igloo snow ice..so little ice for so expensive…not worth it lar…i go hv ice kacang better
Owh.. Didn’t know there’s iGloo at Star Cineplex @.@
Pinkcotton, hehehe… I like
Not so bad, like the texture and especially the green tea flavour one but this one at Star really bad… However, the price is expensive but with buy one free one then it’s OK hehehe… If don’t have I also won’t eat 
ahlost, hehehe… yea…
igloo is sooo terrible in terms of quality and price, pay sooo much only for some little and toppings, terrible, wonder why people in kuching still continue spending???
hav u been to 4th mile everrise dept store, there’s a small ice cream stall at the entrance (facing liang kee comm centre, next to BATA) their soft ice cream is best in kuching, with choco syrups and peanuts topping, waaaa best only RM2.50. Should go and try. donno why the boss dont want to renovate the place….. should improve on the outlet cause they hav quality ice cream. hav a good day
Oh that one, yea… eat before, it’s just ice cream to me *LOL* no doubt better than many places though. Igloo, hahaha… I wil only eat when I’m using the buy 1 free 1 coupon, else I won’t eat hahaha…