It’s that time of the year again where everything is hiked double, triple or even more. Every couple practically flood every single eatery in Kuching not even letting go of the hawker stalls. Road is jammed too as everyone is heading out for celebration.
To all those legal love birds:
Wish you all the best and may the love showers you with all the happiness.
To all those illegal love birds(cheating spouse or third party):
Wish you all the worst and may the “love” showers you with all the sorrows when the time comes.
Shoo! I’m not talking about you, don’t perasan! If you think I’m referring to you then that’s your problem. Means you admit that you are wrong.
It just happened that since last year until now I’ve been hearing a lot of cases like this happening and it has affected those around me badly even though they are not the ones that got involved in it. Not just one case but severals *HORROR*
Can you imagine how many I have to listen to because they need my ear for it? Not that I complain, I’m willing to hear you people out as long that it can help in reduce your stress level even though I can’t do anything. That is why I’m very sensitive in thing like this nowadays.
Thing like this is not only about the couple but it will affect anyone close to the cheating spouse or the third party. It comes in a package.
Be it legal or illegal, a relationship is not about two people but the whole package of the person ranging from the past, the present, the future, the family, the friends and so much more.
To all the singles or those having their loved one somewhere else:
Let’s hope next year will be better. We can celebrate Valentine’s Day on any other day! Why must it be on the day itself when everyone is trying to earn more than an extra piece of your money and squeeze around with others? Even you are madly in love doesn’t mean that you have to be a stupid consumer. We don’t have to follow the crowd at all. Make your own Valentine’s Day! Agree?!?!
Anyway… It’s Saturday and I’m having class then after that stay at home jiak kaki. Dear… Do you hear that? ;p Don’t think so… So long we share the same sky, the same sun and the same moon, it’s better than nothing. *MUAKS*
By the way, anyone wanna date me tonight to spend our very own without-lover/single Valentine’s? Come to think of it, I don’t think we have a place to go at all *LOL* I better prepare for my presentation tomorrow ;p Not in the mood to go out, don’t want to be part of crowd.
I’m so bitter… So what?!?!? It’s not like my bitterness will cause your Valentine’s Day to go bitter also. Like as if you will be reading this, you don’t even have time at all. You are too busy spending time with your Valentine.
We are in the same boat..
Maybe stay at home is the better choice of all..
Happy Val’s Day Irene..
Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy valentine’s day!!
Hapi Valentine’s Day
No happy happy la… Thanks anyway ;p
Your post have been pretty bitter lately.
ANyway, just wish you a happy val’s day. Take it easy. Life is to be enjoyed.
Jiak kaki? Eat foot? Or am I reading that wrong? O.o
Mmm… tricky subject, love. I myself have fallen into that trap before… I think you know what I’m talking about and I’m regretting it ever since (no la, not cheating) but hey, life ain’t easy. We struggle, we learn, we make the same mistakes again. *sigh*
cdason, might as well change my blog name to bitter surrender *LOL*
ann, eat myself ;p in Hokkien.
Ahaha… I see I see. Hmm… when I reread my own comment it sounded like I’m regretting getting married, but it’s not. Oh gosh… you know what? Forget it. *LOL* So hard to be vague here.
Aiyooo…I also jiak kaki at home last night…*sigh*…Anyway, hope you will have a great Valentine’s Day next year!
Ann, hahah… I know u are not referring to getting married la…
windwalker, hehehe…
Hapi Belated Valentines lol
nice roses
roses at bing!’s opening.