The more you hide and the more you escape, the faster it is to game over! KA BOOM! G-A-M-E-O-V-E-R!
Went to the hair show at Boulevard yesterday to just see Anna because she had underwent an extreme makeover of her hair! Damn piss! She’s piss and we as her friends do feel her frustrations too. Extreme as in EXTREME!
We went at 2pm+, it’s not started yet. There’re also some other events on the same day. We waited for so long for the hair show and almost gave up. Finally, when we almost want to leave, the MC announced that they are going to start the show soon.
First, they launched the singing competition.
Finally the hair show! See these models? Their hair weren’t that extreme right? Even after the show, the maintenance and fixing won’t be so much works and won’t need much money to be spent on it.
We waited and waited and there she was! *FAINT* Mind you, those are her real hair, no fake one! Every sinlgle strand and inch! Imagine how can you use this kind of hairstyle in your daily life? Sure needs lots of extensions and maintenance until it grows out! For the show, it’s quite nice but it’s not practical at all for daily used -.-‘ My photos are bad as we were standing quite far away. The crowd was crazy and the weird design of Boulevard concourse make it worst! I’ll try to get better photo for the New Year 2008 Hair Show at Tun Jugah on 1st January 2008. I think I can get better photos there as it’s not as crowded as Boulevard because Boulevard just open not long ago and ractically everyone is going there.
The end…
After the hair show, I rushed back home to do my work -.- Sigh… Must get them done before leaving for holiday. Aiyoyoyo… Very busy…
thats is anna? cool wor…
yea yea.. that’s her hahaha… cool but -.-‘
hahaha.. rambo.. that’s not me lar.. that’s ultramonkey…
the concourse in boulevard design is crappy! lousy! -_-
wuah! all the girls’ faces so serious yet hiaw wan!
annna,hahaha ultramonkey!
allen, yeap… crappy.
wuching, Anna’s face more serious like want to eat people
cdason, happy new year!
LOLz. Ultramonkey. Haha. Okey what. Fashion is like this one lar. Some don’t appreciate, but some do. =P
Anywayz, happy 2008 oh Irene!
happy new year to you..!! show? Awesome..haha..Happy New Year, Irene!
SilverIsle, hahaha… The photo doesn’t justify how extreme was the hair hehehe… Will give you nice one soon
Happy new year!
Wilson, Happy new year!
Free, yeap.. hair show. Happy new year to you too! You should go see Anna at Tun Jugah later on at 1pm hehehe…