Just few days after I wrote about Malaysia Restricted Movement Order that was supposed to be from 18-31 March 2020, today, day 8, we’re told that it will be extended until 14 April 2020. Not surprising really… Expected it already. That’s because there are too many balik kampung crowd and also there are still some that were exposed to the biggest clusters which will make them the second and third generation of the infected. The next wave will come very soon where you will see increase of positive cases at the end of this month for sure. I’m no expert but that’s just how my logic works. Whether you agree or not, it doesn’t matter because I’m not the decision maker for the extension.
Besides, if the order ends this month end, people will think that it is already safe and they will be very likely behave like captive animals regain freedom. They will forget all about social distancing and all the measures to avoid the spread of the virus. With this, there will surely be another wave coming because it is not zero case, there are still people with symptoms or otherwise lurking around. Look at China, even though they have zero case, they were still locking down until recently. People are getting out now but they’re out with protection gears and still practice social distancing. I doubt Malaysians will do that.
Besides, admit it! Many Malaysians have common health problems such as hypertension, heart problem, diabetes, asthma, and so on. Those with all these sicknesses are considered the high risk category. You can just randomly throw a stone to anyone on the street, you will definitely hit one with one or more of it. That’s why it is not wise at all to have the order for only 2 weeks. Whatever it is, let’s just do our part so that we don’t burden our frontliners who work extra hard to keep us safe and don’t waste our effort for staying home for 8 days already. Be glad that we are home, not on the frontline or in the hospital waiting for uncertainties.
Anyway, many people are suffering from anxiety these days from staying at home for more than a week. It’s normal, it happens. One best way is to not look at the news or anything about this pandemic. Go out to the house compound or the balcony or the window to get some fresh air, do exercise, play some games, call up friends and family to catch up, do some gardening, meditate, cry it out, read a book, listen to music, leave your mind blank, and a lot more that you can do. All I can say is that we are blessed with the Internet, there’s a lot of ideas that you can find online to distract you. Always remember that you are doing good for your country, be proud of yourself, you are helping our frontliner so that they also can go home soon to be with their family.
I’m OK here. Not much of a problem for me to stay home. Add on with this new extension, this will mean I’ve been staying home for over one and a half month
Lastly, don’t worry, we can do it, Malaysians! It’s not everyday we get to experience this, we’ll live to tell the tale to the future generation. Let’s move this obstacle away so that we can move forward for bigger things. The sooner we can get rid of it, the sooner we will be back on our feet.
Till then, take care, stay safe, stay home, and be responsible by not sharing any fake news.