Does this gross you out or does this make you salivate? Hehehe…
This is the first time my mom cook snails/escargots with lemon grass and curry. This is the second time I’m having it. My dad bought it because the stall owner said that it can relieve symptom of something-something *LOL* I don’t remember what hahaha…
The first time was given by my aunt. It was a different kind, the type with black cone shell.
My late grandma cooked this a lot last time and it’s something very common that my dad ate when he’s young. For us, it’s like once a blue moon thing, if my dad doesn’t buy it, then we won’t be eating it because my mom won’t buy this kind of thing hahaha… It’s a hassle eating it. You need to prick it out with special tools but we used safety pins hahaha…
the black cone one is more likely known as midnite kisses. unique name lei.. teehee..
wah so nice name hahah…
Never eaten the rounded type escargots before, but the cone shaped one – holy crap, do I love it! *LOL* Suck one end, then suck the head to pull it out. The only hassle is to remove that transparent piece stuck to its head. These are yummy…
Yea yea.. the hard part, have to becareful with that part hahah…
We used to eat it using needle.
jam, hehehehe… needle can also
anything sharp and small enough to prick it out