Just a quick update here ;p Feast you with food again! This was taken last Saturday at a temple in 10th Mile. I just went there to eat, nothing religion. Here’s the food. I have no idea what are all the names but basically these are what you will usually get in Chinese banquet.
Left: Some kind of noodle.
Right: Combination dish.
Left: Sea cucumber soup.
Right: Pork something-something hahaha… There’s mushroom, there’s a type of nut(what do you call it? the one you can sometimes get in bak chang), and pork.
Left: Fried chicken nugget with onion rings. This is the first time I see this in Chinese banquet ;p
Right: Steamed tilapia Teochew style.
Left: Roasted duck with pineapple cubes.
Right: Dessert, it had cha siew in it.
wah…this temple serves meat??
YES! ;p At first I was asking my dad, “tonight only eating veggies?”, he said he doesn’t know too, we just went coz my aunt bought the tix. Then after the first dish, so many types of meat came out hahaha…