Finally finish my exam already! I’m not sure will I be able to graduate this time -.-” Exam was not smooth sailing at all. Just hope can pass that’s all, not asking for more. However, come to think of it, it seems like I might lost more marks than I thought. Gossshh! Now I just need luck. If this paper fails, I’ll fail as assignments don’t help at all. Not really in the mood now, very complicated feeling, not sure to feel relief or to worry about it. I guess what’s done is done, we’ll just have to wait for the next 2-3 weeks for the result. I just need a pass…
Category: Personal Events
Personal events reports.
Happy 30th Birthday to Me!
MY GOODNESS! I’m hitting 30! No more saying I’m in my 20’s *GULP* How time flies? My 29th was rather miserable but my 30th is different from the rest of the years.
My friend arranged a surprise birthday party for me on 1st September. It was supposed to be for all the people in the group who are celebrating their birthday in September but plan was changed. No one told me. Drank so much because this group of friends have their birthday drinking rules. Good thing I’m not a drinker so they went easy on me. Instead of whisky, I had strawberry wine and Vodka Cruiser Strawberry. Still, these got me rather drunk but not until I did crazy things, I was still very much aware of everything except having aching body and stomach -.-” and kept going to the toilet too. I ended up drinking lots and lots of water after that.
Left: Tiramisu made by one of my friends as my birthday cake.
Right: Some of my friends.
More… Some left earlier and some just were not in the frame ;p.
My presents! Never get so many in my life ;p Some more, L’Occitane Body care products overload lol… There’s also The Body Shop and Disney’s body care products. So many! How to finish them? LOL…
We had steamboat for dinner. We had karaoke session too. The party ended at around 2.30am.
Thanks everyone for making the night a night to remember and making the efforts to arrange this celebration for me. My very first birthday party in 30 years and in Adelaide! Man… I sounded so old hehehe….
At the end of the night, instead of the birthday girl who got drunk, the host and one of the guests got drunk and they couldn’t remember much about what happened after the party *LOL*
Went to Hahndorf Inn for my birthday dinner today with someone ;p Didn’t expect to see him at all and didn’t even expect that we will be celebrating my birthday together. I thought he was just asking me for a dinner as usual around the corner instead we went all the way to Hahndorf for it. It’s about 30 minutes drive. I thought he was joking but when he drove into the highway leading to Hahndorf, then it hit me that we’re really going there! I didn’t even dress for the occasions hahaha… I was so full from my late lunch and didn’t really eat much for the dinner. We ordered A Taste of Germany Platter (AUD59.90) and at the end packed the food home, too full. Wanted to go for dessert but no more space.
After Hahndorf, he was supposed to send me home so that I can study for next week’s exam but I didn’t feel like going home so we ended up at his friend’s house. Left at almost 11.30pm. Since he drank quite a lot, he asked me to drive. My second time driving in Adelaide. Both time he drank too much to drive. Scary! LOL… Not familiar with the car and road some more. Guess what?!?! Before turning into the junction to his place, there’s RBT (random breath test) just before the junction! Man! I was asked to do the test ;p RBT on my birthday in Adelaide! How cool? What an experience! Either I drove like a drunk or the car smelt of alcohol because he drank so much. Judging from the police’s face, he seemed like not quite believe that I wasn’t drunk when he saw the test result. Luckily I didn’t even drink a single bit of alcohol (well, just a sip to try the beer) that night as he didn’t allow me to drink because I complained about not feeling well last Saturday night after downing so much alcohol. Hehehe…
That’s how I spent my 30th birthday, at least this time not alone and miserable.
I Graduated! Yet I Forgot…
I totally forgot that today is supposed to be my graduation ceremony for my graduate diploma ;p Since I opted not to attend it this time, I didn’t bother about the date and didn’t realize it also even though I got to know that my friends are attending the ceremony and it’s also their ceremony hahaha… I only remember when one of my friends mentioned that she saw my name in the list hahaha…
I went over after the ceremony to take photos with my friends… Too bad quite a number of friends are not here for it as they are back in their home country already.
Today is such a lovely day, not too cold, not too hot. It’s still winter though but it’s 19 degree Celcius out there! That explains why I wore so little. *LOL* Lucky for them. Mine will be in summer, it’s gonna be soooo hot!
Two of my close friends from China, Eva and Carolyne.
Left: Ling is from Hong Kong, did some volunteer work together in uni.
Right: Cissy, Eva, and Lisa. Lisa is one of the frequent users of the postgrad computer barn.
Left: Cissy is also one of my close friend here.
Right: Gabby, we met in Busan during the cultural exchange.
Qing and I with Carolyne. Both Qing and I were supposed to be in this ceremony but we missed it because we changed our program. At least I’m official graduated with my graduate diploma and should be attending this ceremony (waiting for the certificate to be posted to me) but she hasn’t as she changed hers to double masters, means will only graduate mid next year. By then, we are likely won’t be taking photos with her as almost all of us graduated and no longer in Adelaide. Maybe I will… *Finger crossed* I’m considering a PhD hahaha…
Anyway, I will attend the one in December for my master degree ;p Family won’t be here, most friends won’t be around by then, some will go back home for holiday and some will be back home for good. Someone promised me that he’ll be there, let’s just see by then.
Congrats to everyone who graduated!
Future Leaders Recognition Award 2012
I got back from Brisbane on 25th July morning, just in time to join the Future Leaders Recognition Award 2012 in the evening. It’s just a night to appreciate the volunteers’ efforts of UniSA division of business. I’m one of them. First time attend such ceremony ;p Hehehe… Everyone dressed up in business attires.
Was asked to join the organising committe for this event but I couldn’t because I was away in Brisbane. However, I did contribute ideas to them. On the night itself, was asked to be the photographer. Heavy DSLR *LOL* oh well… Setting was already set, all I need to do was be at the spot to aim and shoot. Easy peasy ;p
Future Leaders Recognition Award 2012.
Left: Me with my award. Photo from the official camera. Since I’m the one handling the camera, I used my own camera and took a snap of this photo in the official camera hahaha… Else, I don’t think I will have any photo of myself getting the award hehehe…
Middle: I started the night with blood orange soft drink. Then after the award ceremony, I had two glasses of moscato ;p free flow alcohol! The best thing about this type of university event is free food and alcohol (wine, champagne, beer, and cider). I never pay for alcohol here, I always got mine for free. Of course, I only drank a bit. Most of the time, I did not have them especially if I’m at the event alone.
Right: People hanging out after the award ceremony.
Some of the food for the night.
At about 9pm, we called it a night. Got my certificates and letter of recommendation for volunteering.
This Is It
Another post with no photos. Busy weekend. Then will be in Brisbane next week.
So… This is it. After so many years of waiting, trials and errors, and ups and downs. It’s confirmed.
Confirm what?
Go figure it out yourself *LOL*
What’s the next step? We’ll see how it goes. Just started. Roughly talked about the future. At least we’re more or less on the same wavelength. I will do my best to maintain it and not going to let go of it so easily now. I don’t think I can afford to let this one off the hook anymore because I’m hooked. I have no more time to waste.