I was so pissed yesterday. Today too! GRRR!
1. Streamyx kept disconnecting every 30 minutes and I had to restart my modem for almost 10 times in the morning and afternoon. Blardy hell!
2. I couldn’t accept my payments that were sent to my Paypal account and couldn’t complete a transaction with someone.
This screen shoot is normal right? It’s what you will be seeing everytime you want to accept payment.
SH!T! It’s bad enough that our “smart” govberment block us Malaysians paypal blocks us Malaysians from withdrawing fund out of our Paypal account, so most of us use the money to shop online. We spend all our money overseas hahaha… Malaysia gets nothing! Then this “clever” upgrade of Paypal now want us to add a bank account from the US! WTF!?!?! Oi! We are Malaysians! We don’t have US bank account ok?!?! Opening one is not cheap OK?!?! So… They forced us to fill in the form else we can’t accept payment. So what to do? I can’t accept my payment! GRRRRR!!! I have numerous payments coming in these few days and I won’t be able to accept them! OH NO!!! We have only 30 days to accept the payment! OMG! So angry! So I e-mailed to them last night.
1. ()*^%#@@$ Ex*****s! Make my blog and other sites all DOWN! The down time is terribly long! How do you expect people to sign up with you if you kept going down like this? I put your ad here and you can’t even show to my readers that you are reliable! You kept making my blog down! You think they will sign up with you like this? I have to type this in a notepad first while waiting for you to be up again.
2. Finally Paypal replied my e-mail. Phew…
Please note that: Our PayPal system was updated on May 10, maybe there is some influence during the updated when you try to accept the payments from others.
We suggest you to accept the payment in a later time. If there is still the same message to inform you to add a US bank account, please inform us as soon as possible.
The English is a bit odd 😛 So, I tried just now and it’s still the same problem, I mailed to them again and this is their reply:
We apologize for the delay in responding to your service request. We have noticed this problem and our staff are investigating and working to resolve.
I’m very sorry for the inconvence we’ve brought to you.
So… Have to wait…
cool down, they replied you telling that it might the problem with them doing some upgrade.
by the way, did you notice that you have a new advertlets ads? i’m still showing that exabytes ads host & win which I didn’t win at all… lol
Ok. I guess you might need to wait. No wonder a lot of the other ebayers are complaining about this. Anyway, I’ll emailed you something when I get back home later. You might wanna have a look at it 🙂 Have a nice day.
Wilson, yes… I’m cooling down in Paypal part 😛 But Streamyx and the server part is making me nuts! Yeap, I know eheheh… My friend’s even “geng”, his ad is rotating one from the same advertiser, refresh you see win PSP, refresh again you see the photo contest.
Alex, hahaha… Now you know. OK… Thanks…
why irene put ppl name out leh… mosaic it ma… =_=”’
Wakakaka… Wrong meh? There is so many people with the same name. 😛 Money more important hehehe…
I’m having the same godddamned problem too. I have few payments pending for acceptance. It’s like money already sent to your doorstep but you can’t open the door to take it. It’s so much worse than not being able to withdraw it.
Chris, welcome 🙂 We will just have to wait. Sigh…
I`ve the same problem i cant accept payments.What is their problem?Why they do this to only us asian countries and some middle east countries?It is not fair.
can accept payment jor ?
Tarik, sigh… Indeed unfair 🙁 Sigh… What to do? We just have to wait till they settle the glitches. By the way, welcome!
Wilson, still cannot. 🙁
oh my… still fixing up ah they.. btw are you hosted on exabytes? my site down leh.. i think the database cannot connect… must change hosting… must change hosting…
Wilson, hahaha… I told you before 😛 So obvious in this post. I was having the same problem as you that day. That’s why I’m so angry. It took them so long to get it back. Then when it’s back, it only lasted for like less than 30 minutes and down for almost whole afternoon. We called to complain and they said they are having problem with their network cable or something like that *Sigh* I almost missed out the PPP post. Luckily when it’s back, the opp was still there.
Just to clarify, it’s not our Gov’s fault directly for not being able to withdraw. Is that paypal has blacklisted our country on money laundering, payment forgery….
Freethinker, yalor.. i ever read about this articles. dunno what malaysian do with this paypal until Paypal Inc limited malaysian to use local bank …
Freethinker, oh… ok… Thanks for clarifying. 🙂 It’s not directly but indirectly *LOL* for not being able to curb these bad acts. What to do? It’s not easy to control people’s activities in the Net unless want to be like China blocking this and that which it’s HELL!
So we the innocent ones have to suffer the consequences.
Still cannot accept… :~~~(
All my money burnt…. WTF
Chris, same here… Sigh… So many payments can’t accept.
I can only think of two reasons why Paypal is doing this:
Possibility 1: Paypal changed its policy and we’re required to add US bank account before accepting payment from now on.
Possibility 2: Paypal is adding the facility for us to add a Malaysian bank account, and it’s still under progress, that’s why the glitch.
However, I have a bad feeling for this. I think possibility 1 is happening. We just can’t wait for nothing, what if the problem never gets fixed? We better go get a US bank account, rather than waiting for our money to get burnt one by one.
Going to e-mail them again. It took too long already.
Keep me updated, thanks
Sure Chris, no problem. Even if we want to get US account within 30 days is impossible. Sigh…
30 ah.. sure can get US bank account. get the VMI debit card… 2 week d most can kau tim… didn’t i told u its already transfer to my debit card d?
I don’t trust VMI card. There are problems cropping out already, that’s what I heard. So no VMI for me. Too many charges and my account do not have such amount for them to deduct, after deductions, left a bit don’t know for what, not worth it. I would rather use it to shop online hahaha…
get me a toy, please… pretty please… just the emo will do. thank you so much auntie… sek sai lei
Huh? What toy? Hahaha…
the tickle me elmo extreme…. u know that toy.. the one tht laugh and roll over geh…
i wan the other 1.. the sad sad sad emo..
Ngaiti… that one arrr… i saw at Parkson, so expensive I want to faint when I saw the price!-.-“
Almost 11 days passed and nothing happened even an announcement.I`ve only learned that they will fix it by the beginning of june.What a terrible support this is.Damn i hate paypal.
What? Begining of June? OMG! Then all my money will go down the drain… At least they should made an announcement.
hah… so long more before it will be fix. paypal really mess things up for us…
why no other better online payment ah…
Sigh… Sigh… Sigh…
Paypal has lost a lot of reputation by doing this kind of behaviour.This message is to you all asian and middle east users dont use paypal.What a terrible support this is.
Tarik, if we don’t use Paypal what else we cant use? Summore those advetisers on pay us via paypal. *sigh*
Paypal is fixed everything is back to normal.
Is it? Good… I’ll go check now. YES! Can! Thanks Tarik 🙂
of cos can…. so i wait u belanja me teh tarik..
Hehehe… You just wait…
i’m waiting…
Wait till the sky fall down 😛 hehehe….
wat!!!!! auntie so bad.. bully small kid
You are small kid? Hmm… I you can be uncle already 😛
yea… i this year only 18… please dun bully me. ok!
hehehe.. i see, 28 is more like it lol. u cannot bully me also ;p
ehh.. i where got bully u…. i so nice help to flood your comment box
Yea yea… So nice of you hahaha…
of cos… what r friends for but to flood his friends post with full of comments
Eh… I seldom flood yours, how? How? *run to hide* I’m usually a passive reader 😛
aiyah… no worries. mine go no stories so interesting like your bak jiam eye or the accident outside your house.
hehehe… but i dunno y the traffic keep increasing daily.