Apparently my camera’s button isn’t really fixed. Two buttons have problem now. Sometimes it could fix itself. Weird. As long that the lense is OK then it can still be used. Worst comes to the worst, I can’t delete photos, can’t zoom out and change my shooting mode(single shoot, continuos shoot, timer etc.) and navigate to the left or down. Can anyone repair it free for me or just charge me your service and parts?
I don’t want to spend RM50 at Canon just to get it inspected and get quote on how much to repair
Took these photos yesterday noon. Boulevard is scheduled to open on 19th December 2007 but what do you think after seeing these photos? Do you think it will be in time to open on the 19th?
Our very first hypermart in Kuching. Where is it situated? It’s situated just opposite of 4th Mile Everrise.
According to my source, they might postpone the opening to this Saturday, 22nd December 2007 because they can’t seem to get it done in time. I guess it’s the rain lately that has delay the completion. They have been working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get it done.
We’ll see by then. I will definitely be there to take some photos to update hahaha…
Oh! There will be Christmas Carolling Parade by Kuching churches for the first time in Kuching on 22nd Decemeber 2007, there are already 3500 people confirmed joining. Don’t expect something like what you see in those temples parades with skimpily clad girls and so on. All you’ll be seeing are participants in white tops and dark colour pants/long/below knee length skirts. You’ll be entertained by live bands from various churches in Kuching and Christmas Carols. Candles and balloons can be seen on that day also. They will start at 6.30pm at Travillion MBKS Jubilee Gorund. I’ll be there to cover the event instead of being part of the parade :p
About the bolivard, i think will delayloh…. And for the church christmas event on 22th dec… I think that will be very very very excited loh…. I will go as i think that my church might not have any event or celebrating …
Ohya… If anyone is interest… Can come for our church christmas celebration on 21st dec . Start on 7pm at acs(color cafe belakang) ……
Rambo, I think will delay. I thought your church should also be part of the parade hmm… That 21st one, I know about that hehehe…
Owh man… will miss the Xmas thing. I’m out of town!!.. hmm..
cdason, you’ve been away lately huh? So busy? hahaha…
Definitely delay..though they have been working really hard lately. I thought I saw them setting up some of the shops the other day? Carrying stuff and all that? Hmm..
well..but i received an email about sushi king boulevard’s promo which will start on 21st….
if they really hv to delay till 22nd then its going to be one messy affair lor…
Lol. I think they’ll still open..Just that maybe not a full scale kinda thing
As for the parade I’ll be in it, well sort off. Won’t be carrying any balloons or candles though. Will be busy covering inside scoop by taking pics.. Hehehe..
Free, very hardworking hahaha… But don’t know in time or not.
Pink Cotton, I see… hmmm… Let’s see what happen later
Alex, oooo… With your DSLR
Lol Irene. But of course
Hope that eveyrthing will go out smoothly. Hehehe.. Still thinking if I had the time to go somewhere high to take a pic of the candle lights and all that 
Hehehe… Go up to Hilton
Or Star Cineplex or Tua Pek Kong hmm… Where else?