Streamyx was so bad yesterday… Totally no line at night. The line was only back after I made 5 calls! Well… Not to blame them, as my phone is not near my computer so I had to troubleshoot it first before calling them back again, you know… To give them the error number, they insisted on the error number. Only during the last final call to log a final report as all attempts failed, when they were processing the report, out of sudden the line came back.
For those of you whose been following my blog for the passed years, I’m sure you know that I want to get a Master degree from overseas very badly but due to various circumstances, I didn’t go for it. Now, I found a course in a local college that offers part time course that seemed interesting and quite flexible I should say. It’s not a Master degree but a diploma which is totally unrelated to what I’m doing now and my previous education background. It’s Diploma in Early Childhood Education! Hahaha… How’s that? Shock? Irene and children seem not quite right, frankly I’m quite afraid of children especially those that started to know how to talk! Then why I want to go for it?
1. I did consider about taking this Master degree in the UK as my result of my degree can’t let me go for other courses that I want due to my bad result Second Lower Class Honours, it sucks hahaha… This is the only Master degree that accept an honour degree like mine hahaha… The problem is that it’s in UK. No money… Also there’s a responsibility and commitment that I can’t let go like nobody business.
2. My dad told me about this course few days back and I decided to find out more about it yesterday. It’s from USQ, it will take 2 years to complete the diploma. Classes only on every Saturday and Sunday afternoon, 4 hours per day, 8 hours per week which isn’t that bad. Only 2 subjects per semester. Seems quite relax as my previous e-learning is much hectic than this which was 3-4 subjects per semester, everything had to be done on my own, there’s no physical class, only a scheduled chat session with the facilitators in UK and could only interact in forum with my e-classmates.
3. I might be able to use this as a stepping stone to gain an Aus PR as I can go for my degree in USQ if I want to and then after studying there I can try to apply for PR. At least there is something to start with. This is just a plan only… Will I be going? That will be another story in the future.
4. I don’t like night time classes, it’s not easy to find day time classes for part time studies.
5. The syllabus looks interesting.
If I am to go for this course, then…
1. My weekend afternoons for the next 2 years would be gone!! I can no longer hang out with my friends. This is the usual time I am able to hang out with them, night time usually they have their own activities.
2. I will miss various public events that are hold in the weekend for the next 2 years! I’m going to be so outdated!! :p
3. I have to fund my own studies. The course fee is about RM12K+, installment is available. There’s good and bad about it which is one of the thing I’ve been pondering about that make me can’t decided whether I should go for it or not. Will explain later.
4. My dream of getting a DSLR will have to be postponed. No more money for this. I need the money for my course fee.
5. My travel plan to UK and other places might not be able to be executed due to my studies, exams, assignments, works and there won’t be money to go also! I won’t be able to plan early holidays and go anytime I want just like now. My Penang trip on 16th-20th October(anyone want to meet?) will have a bit of problem, I’m worry that it might clash with the exams as the exam time is end of October -.-” Obviously I will miss 2 classes. However, I asked them already, they said if exam clashes I can rearrange my exam time but then how to enjoy like this!?!? *LOL*
Oh dear… There goes my social life… For 2 freaking years!! These are the factors that make me don’t know how to decide. How!?!?
go go go, you can do it !
may i know which local college is it?
Lee, hahaha… 2 persons ask me to go for it liao
Sam, it’s SEGi. Why? You interested? Or you have anything to share? Hehehe…
Study more while still young, next time old oledy can’t even see. Sounds like I’m very old!!! Choy!!
Monkey, yealo… Since now have the chance.
If were to think for long term, I think you should go for it lor
True also ;p Donno I can handle the sujects or not ;p An unknown teritory.
Hi just thought i’d let you know that you have to study in Aus for at least 2 years to be able to apply for PR.
leandra, yes, I know that. One year is not enough. Thanks for sharing, it’s just a “passport” to go to Australia. *LOL* Then 2-3 years there also don’t really mind… so long can get a PR hahaha… Going as a student is easier than going there to work or solely to migrate. But this will be other story which I’m not even sure I’ll be going at all.
Well, there is alot more points that you need to consider on gaining PR. A masters degree in Childhood Education doesn’t seems to be enough, more to say the two years over here.
But still, having an Australian master degree sure does help abit.
Patrick, I do know that. By the way, you got yours? I’m sure you do apply for it. Quite a number of my friends got theirs within 4 years. At least have to start somewhere, if the foundation doesn’t even exist, there’s no way to go further hahaha… Of course when I’m there, by hook or by crook I will of course want to get it no matter what it costs me. Since so many of my friends already got their PRs, all started off as students and only earn a degree and working there after that. The easiest access is via education since I’m not rich like some people that are able to foot all those application fees and can afford to buy properties there.
Pity you
Seriously, It’s hard to really enjoy the trip…So stressful…That’s why i delay my MBA for my San Frans trip…
There isn’t any possible solution?
Good Luck ya!!
Beverly’s Secret, yealo… At least they told me I can rearrange my exam time hahaha… Better than nothing. Still thinking thinking… *LOL*
It is a strange feeling to go back to school after all these years, huh? As I always encourage others to undergo self improvements, so my advice is go for it!
Need some more helps from you! If we are not staying in Borneo Highlands, are we allowed to go there just for some fresh air? How to get up there? If take taxi from Kuching city centre, around how much they charge?
I will be in Kuching during Gawai, and thus trying to find some activities for myself. Thanks a lot for your help so far.
jam, indeed, after few years of not being a student. Too bad BH now don’t offer day trip anymore. If you have a group, then maybe you can arrange with them. I’m not sure how much they will charge but if you arrange with BH they can have a shuttle for you from the airport or from desingated hotel in the city, one shuttle is RM80(last time price), then at the foothill, there will be transport to bring you up. You can check the contacts at their website.
Hey, best of luck to you. I’m currently pursuing my 2nd degree. My first was in IT, I graduated but found out that it’s not a fulfilling line of work (plus the pay is bad). So here I am, starting from scratch.
My advice is, find something which gives you self fulfillment and great sense of achievement. Just my two cents lah.
Katherine, heheh… IT too?
Yea… Same here, used to be very passionate about it but sigh… Like you say… Kinda disappointed with it hahaha… I like tapping into unknown territory hahaha… I wanted to do psychology last time but my SPM result was not good hahaha… At least this course will have something to do with it. Hopefully it’s not a hard course hehehe… Would be useful for my own children next time