People that know me knows that I don’t really cook, especially for one complete meal. These days, I have to cook, what to do? I have to clear the fridge and also eating out or tapao everyday is not something that I fancy doing.
Since last Thursday, I’ve been stir frying some vegetables that were left in the fridge, I didn’t take those photos. Just simple stir fried of various green leafy vegetables with garlic and seasoned with some salt and Ajinamoto. As for meat, I just microwaved the pre-marinated chicken that we bought. That one packet of chicken lasted us 3 days.
These were our dinner last Sunday night. Fruits and vegetables salad and spaghetti bolognaise. My bro cooked it actually, I supervised ;p
Left: Monday night, we had tomyam beef wanton soup. I wrapped the wonton with minced beef. Very simple and easy, boil the pot of water, put in tomyam cube, then put in the wanton and mushroom. Lastly, the tomato slices. We experimented this dish, first time had beef wonton, it tasted a bit odd with tomyam soup *LOL*
Right: Tuesday night, stir fried vegetables again. Basically all my garlic stir fried vegetables all look similar to this ;p
Left: Tuesday night, black pepper spaghetti. I tried this dish before somewhere few years back but wasn’t very nice. So I decided to cook my own to see whether I could beat that or not. It was not bad, albeit a bit dry because I didn’t have enough cooking oil. It was quite spicy but tasted so much better than the one I had last time. This is very easy and simple to cook too.
Prepare your spaghetti, heat a little bit of oil in the frying pan, then fried the spaghetti just like you fried noodle. Pour black pepper sauce(up to you on how much you want, the more the spicier) and stir fried it for awhile. Season with a bit of salt and Ajinamoto. As simple as that.
Right: Tuesday night also, microwaved some chicken wings, marinated it with premix sauce. It looked nice don’t you think? However, it was tasteless and overcooked ;p I set the timer a bit too long. Actually the premix sauce was not supposed to be used as marinate, again… Experimenting hehehe…
Left: Today’s lunch, white rice and stir fried sweet peas and yellow capsicum with Chinese sausage in black pepper sauce. Only a bit of black pepper sauce to taste, that explains the slight brownish colour of the dish and I was surprised with how good it tasted
Right: Today’s dinner, light soy sauce fried rice with Chinese sausage, french beans, pineapple, and mushroom. I got no skill hehehe… It’s kind of tasteless, luckily the Chinese sausage gave the rice the taste when you chew them together. Did season with salt, pepper, and Ajinamoto but not enough ;p
That’s all for now. Oneweek plus to go…
P/S: Don’t ask me for measurement, I just followed my instincts.
more coking/baking post pls.. i love cooking/baking postsssssssssss from you irene~~
The spaghetti looks like mee curry, I think the most edible one is stir fried vege. LOL.
Jessica, mostly are just experiment LOL…
jfook, mee curry? Curry colour looked like that? *LOL*