It’s been awhile there’s no big scale bridal fair in Kuching. I missed the previous one at Hills Shopping Mall. Good thing I didn’t miss All About Wedding at tHe Spring that started on Wednesday.
Went there on Friday night to visit the fair and also attend the launch, cocktail soiree, fashion show and charity auction on Friday night. Will blog about it soon. Thanks for inviting, you know who you are hahaha…
By the way, for my new readers, I’m not getting married *LOL* I used to frequent bridal fairs a lot since years back, I never missed any be it big or small but I missed some lately due to other commitments and also not big enough to attract me to go. There isn’t many too unlike last time. I just love visiting such fair. Nothing much.
Not only that, I was there to support my photographer friends ;p Hehehe… Alvin Leong and Edwin Lay. Also wanted to see and meet some other popular photographers from West Malaysia and Singapore such as Patrick Low, Jason Victor, Peter Tan and Charlie Lim.
Left: Table setting for wedding banquet.
Right: The decorated Mercedes.
Left: First time seeing a Hummer decorated as bridal car! Nice! Something unique.
Right: Decorated Toyota Soarer. I like this simple, minimal, and classy decorating style.
The stage was nicely decorated. Really unexpected.
Will blog about the launch soon Stay tuned!
the hummer was nice! why u didnt take photo with it hehe
so many photographers there at the launch hor, probably more than guests :p
People who are getting married today are lucky. With this kind of wedding fair, they will have the opportunity to choose a great variety of wedding packages in one place, that is the Spring.
During my time, it was very limited. There wasn;t any fair organised at one place. I had to hop from one bridal shop to another.
Today if i go to a wedding fair, the promoters will not layan me because they see me as married and with kids. Hahaha… they just never know….
crispy, yealo… so many photographers -.-” No one help me take photo with the Hummer, I don’t think I can be seen if I am to stand next Hummer hehehe…
willie, they know they can’t make money out from you anymore ;p