Secret Recipe is only open for business on 20th April! Not today… It’s delayed…
WOW! I found a new hobby! And I spent almost USD100 on it -.-” Not revealing what it is yet
Hehehe… That’s the luxury of having USD in Paypal, don’t know is good or bad. *SHRUG* Hope I can earn back this money with it.
OMG! Johan got married already! I’m sure many girls will be heart broken
You can see his wedding photos in Friendster. Nevermind if you don’t know who he is *LOL* this is meant for my collegemates.
Got tagged by akho. Tagged me with 2 memes in one go -.-” Not tagging anyone. It will stop here hahaha…
Here are the rules:
Each one starts out by telling 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write (in their own blog) 6 weird things as well and state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave each of them a comment letting them know you tagged them and the cycle goes on.
1. Whenever I eat something like soup noodle, at the end the soup would be left behind and all the stuffs inside would be gone.
2. As everyone knows, I’m moneyface hahaha… Yet the strange thing is that I don’t know how to spend the money, if I have the money I don’t splurge on things, instead the first thing comes to me is that how to I make it into more money or keep it.
3. No matter which stage of life I’m in, there will always be a guy that is very close to me, as in best friend and most people would mistaken that he’s my boyfriend hahaha… It’s just all platonic. Well, I might admit there were a bit of crush or something but as time goes by it’s just as platonic as it can be.
4. I have a water bottle that I will always have next to me at home so that I can drink whenever I want without going to the kitchen to get a cup of water and then have to wash the cup after that. I’m just plain lazy besides I will not remember to drink any water if there is no water near me. So, this is the best way to get me to drink water hahaha…
5. Hmmm… I don’t think I’m the only weird one on this hehehe.. Most bloggers are especially those blogging about food. I will take picture of your food and ask you the name and the price when you dine with me hehehe… For those that know me, they’re used to it already, for those that don’t they will look at me in a very strange way and thinking to themselves, “Like that also want to take”.
6. My camera is usually not for taking photos of those hanging out with me but for stuffs like food, sceneries, and of course for self-portrait :P. I seldom ask people to pose for my camera that’s why many people is wondering why am I bringing camera around when I don’t take photos of them *LOL* I only do it when somebody brought it up or special occasion else I won’t take it out to shoot people hahaha… This might have offended some friends becasue they might be hoping to have photo taking session during our meetings since I bring a camera but at the end there isn’t any. *shrug* It’s not my habit to take photo of people, if you want to take photo might as well tell me else it will never cross my mind. That’s it. Don’t get too sensitive over it. Aiyooo…
Took me 3 days to come out with my 6 weird things. -.-“
wah…..give me some paypal money….give me give me give me…. :p