I was supposed to update this yesterday but was overwhelmed by works. Hahaha… I’m one of the top 10 posties of the day Hehehe… Why so excited? This is because I never have the chance to be in the list even for few hours or minutes. This is my first time. I just grabbed the USD12.50 opp to write. *Blek* Like this also make a big deal hahaha… That’s my problem
You can just ignore it hahaha… Want proof? See the picture below hahaha…
Aiksss… While I was busy patting my own back for being in the top 10 posties of the day list, I saw Che-Cheh!!! Hmm… I know many Malaysian posties were already feature in PPP Blog Of The Day. Let’s see who else that I know are from Malaysia… BabyFiona, AhPek, Lilian, shoppingmum(I think…) and etc. I only know these few but I’m sure there are more. When will it be my turn?
Eeeeee…. I saw the USD700 opp!!! It’s really hell trying to login to PPP last night! No wonder… USD700 opp was the culprit. I couldn’t take, already reserved too late… I want to be USD700 richer!!!
Blek… *Go to find opps to write again* By the way, you want to earn some money? Sign up here. Oh… This is not a paid post hahaha….
Proud on you! Soon will be ur turn
*blek* I still can’t. Sucks so bad.
Still haven’t get all those rankings back?
Did you see me there? Wahaha…
Hey soon ya…you’ll never know.
Neo, got ar?
Where where? Hahaha…
Che-Cheh, yeap… We’ll never know hehehe…
OMG!!! Wilson is featured!!!
Still not.
I think it’s because translucent.ws is still alive. It’ll die in June… sometime. *lol*
wahahahaha… oh its, its me…!!!!!!
I think I rather have the $700, $700 and $700 and $700…
lux, hmm.. maybe…
wilson, don’t dream about $700
It will never be yours blek…
hahaha… so bad… curse me…
It’s gone long time before you even said that you want it
hehehe…. where are all the opps today…
Yeah.. no opps -.-” Ngaiti.. You really no need sleep one
No opp for me for 3 days already..so sad *sob sob*.
irene, try to post ur post when out time around 11.58am. 50% 50% to become blog of the day
Nesh’s fairy-tale also became the blog of the day 2 days after i asked her to post it around that time
hehe, since you saw the 700 usd but did not managed to grab it, u can take the opportunity to complain again
i Tagged you!
oh… got tagged.. ok ;p
wah sai… fiona come here n tag people…
i still owe u one tag… cannot think of hw to do it… wahahahahaa
Eeekkk… Somebody said he doesn’t do tag one.
i don’t do tag la… but since already tagged b4 i let her know… so still thinking what to write lo…
Aiksss… You are feature again -.-“
hahaha…. featured again… but still no $700 opps for me… gone with the wind jor…
Featured twice in a row… WAH!
twice in a row… strike lottery twice in a row better… i more money face than U…
More traffic means more money
more traffic more $ ?
how come i dun see $ geh…
More traffic of course more money, you get more people to click on your ads and if it’s CPM, then you earn faste hahahaha…
aiyah… no 4 figure… hahahaha
4 figure only in your dream hahaha…
4 figure can.. dun withdraw. wait for 2-3 years lo.. sure can reach …
Hahaha… Then you slow slow wait
u transfer urs over then i dun hv to slow slow wait lo..
My money is mine
then u give money out???
Yealo… Hahaha… Crazy already :p