Exam tomorrow, so will be spending time doing final exam preparation. Will not be able to attend tomorrow’s talent show for tHe Spring Ambassador Hunt due to exam. What to do? Exam is more important.
Today, I’m going to share 2 winners’ entries with you instead of one. How’s your Christmas? Today is already the 26th, so I think it’s better to share more Christmas stories while the Christmas mood is still here.
Alysha drew a very cute Christmas card wanting the gingerbread men. So there you go… You got them! Read more about it here: http://weiwei.myearth2u.com/?p=452
This is by Melody, every word is from her, I just copied it to share with you. Melody, I’m sure you did enjoy your Christmas with your family, brothers and sisters of Christ:
The best christmas experience is when I was baptized on 25/12/2000 where I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. That was the most meaningful christmas that I have ever had in my entire life, besides just having family dinner and exchanging gifts. Christmas is a day where I will remember Jesus and his birthday. This year I would like to celebrate Christmas by bringing some happiness into people’s life, by giving and helping the needy, just as Jesus did. And I hope to win a pair of gingerbread man as my christmas present