As the title of the post. I did get this question from time to time from some readers in e-mail.
If you notice, I don’t blog about my relationship in my blog ever since the passing my late-bf years ago except the stories of us last time.
I’m not revealing anything but if you do follow my blog well that includes the comment section, there might be hints of my current state of relationship *LOL* So… Are you going to dig around? Are you that busybody? Hahaha… You won’t know in my Friendster or Facebook too coz I’m forever in the state of “It’s complicated” ;p
If you think some of my emo posts are related to my relationship, sad to day, it’s not even though it sounded like it. It’s about some other stuffs.
Well… I don’t blog about it, there’s only two reasons. One, there’s none to blog about. Two, it’s not the time to reveal my love life to the world. Choose one. Whichever you like, it won’t make a difference at all as I’m not going to write anything about it until maybe one day.
Some people might know which state I’m in but most don’t in real life too because should I say I’m good in hiding or pretending or sending the wrong signals be it attached or otherwise *LOL* Whatever…
Oh well… If you are wondering just like some readers, that’s all I can say about it ;p
So many exam notes to memorize… GAH!
Oh… Today’s date is 10/04/10.
Enjoy your weekend!
Actually, blogging about personal life is kind of dangerous, and I think personal things should be kept personal. Don’t know if anyone would agree with me on this.
On another note, personal life is not the same as experience because experience can be anything that happened, or you’ve seen which will have little effect on you, which you’d like to share, but personal details will effect you greatly. I believe those personal stories should be kept inside. My two cents yang panjang
Having problems getting thru your Immigration…testing….Lee.
Hi Irene,
Sorry to hear about your late boyfriend. It must be very sad for you having to go through that.
I think people were questioning whether you have a new boyfriend right? Well…this is what i think… I think you have a new one.
A single person will not hesitate to tell that he or she has none straight away, but you? Hehehehe it seems that you are not doing so…and i guess you are hinting something.
Oh well…just a wild guess anyway. Kekekeke
Haha…i like the first reason. There is none to blog about.
cyril, some stuffs can’t be blogged
Uncle Lee, alamak… So kesian… You got tru’!
Willie, hahaha… Oh well… ;p
KeeMan, oh yes… I like that one too.