Phew… Finally got my line back. So tired tinkering with the modem settings and cables.
2 weeks ago, I went to across the river with my sister and my friend for a photo shoot session. The local called it “across the river” also known as Petra Jaya. It’s really across the river ;p
All the time, I’m at the other end. I seldom go to Petra Jaya and I’ll definitely lost my way there hahaha… You can drive there or by a “tambang” boat from Kuching Waterfront. I’ve never go by “tambang” boat, scary hehehe…
The river cruise. Highly recommended by me for those who want to see Kuching from another perspective. You’ll get to see two sides of the river. The buildings at the back are Grand Margherita Hotel, Somerset Gateway, Tun Jugah, Sarawak Plaza and so on.
The contrast… One side of the river has many modern buildings and this side with many houses.
The food court located just next to the river.
The view of Kuching Waterfront, Hilton, Pullman, Riverbank Suite and more. This is just a portion of the view from across the river of Kuching Waterfront.
That’s Kuching for you from across the river from me
Hello Irene, beautiful scene.
I was here wayyyyy back in early ’80s.
And one place I will return one day….
Have fun and keep well. Lee.
uncle lee, we’re waiting for ur return
Very seldom go to the other side. It is refreshing to look the other way.
Rose, yea… Same same…