I was happily online and wanted to started my work and PUFF! Everything went black! I thought it’s only my area but later found out that whole Kuching was having this problem. Then later heard another news that whole Sarawak was affected! WOW!
It’s the longest blackout in my entire life living in Kuching. At about 6.30pm it started then only came back at 10pm+. During this 3 hours+, what would you do? No electricity, no TV, no fan, no computer, no Internet, nothing… Even had to shower with cold water brrr…
For us, we had our candlelit dinner last night. Hehehe… I decided to play with my new camera to test how good it is when under very dark situation. It could take steady photos even with my shaky hands hehehe… No bad… Most photos taken with macro mode and only 2 photos had their curve adjusted, the rest are original photo out from the camera.
Then also took photos of my phone in the dark.
During the long hour of blackout, we played with our cameras, mobile phones, candles and torch light. At the same time whinning and asking lots of questions about:
“Aiyoo… When will the power be back?!?!? I want to watch TV/my BT download halfway/I uploaded my file halfway/I want to online/it’s hot/I want to shower…”
“Why time flies so fast when no electricity!??!”
“Come, come, try to shoot this, shoot that.”
“No hot water to shower!!”
“Where’s the other torchlight?”
“Why the matches cannot use one!”
“Why other place already got power supply we haven’t got any?!?!”
“Will this last whole night!??! I want to watch TV/I need to work!!”
“Anything to do or not? Boring…”
Whole night repeating the same phrases 😛 Imagine that. Hahaha…
Shoot candles.
More candles.
Lots of stars can be seen during the early evening but later all gone and left the moon.
What you did during such long hour of blackout last night?
Read the news about it here
I was on my way home from Pantu when the street lights suddenly went out. Thankfully they came back on again after a few minutes. So it wasn’t too long in SA
lucky you, here was really long…
It was beautiful outside last night. We had clear sky. The moon was bright and illuminated the area. Too bad my camera can capture the scene.
Sometimes we need times like this to be able to appreciate the nature, it’s not all that bad right?
Policemen were seen directing the traffic flow on many traffic lights around the city! If not I believe lots of accidents could happened!
yea if not really cham… no traffic light -.-
yalo.. no traffic light.. ppl drove fast fast no c ppl de = = i use high light till sien @@
what we did was mostly what you did!! hahaha..
what’s worse both me and mum’s hp battery nearly DEAD. and i even talked to my soft toi.. -.- can go nuts. and and and i dont even dare to go toilet even emergencies.. LOL.. then no choice i had to open the door just in case.. and force my family not go NEAR the toilet!
LOL… 😛 We went to the toilet with candle or torchlight 😛 had to remove my contact lense using torchlight, luckily it didn’t get lost hahaha…