Warning: If you can’t take it, better don’t read. I’m not responsible if anything happens to you hahaha…
I really got nothing interesting to update lately and sorry for all the emo posts. Sigh…
Then, a thought hit me just now. Why don’t I share some spooky stories with you and you can also share yours with me by commenting, it would be interesting. It’s not Holloween, it’s not the 7th month of lunar calendar so it’s not so bad to share now after all ;p
I’m going to share two stories with you which I heard from my teacher in secondary school and also from my sister if not mistaken. It happened in the school. They are just stories, I don’t know how true they are. I guess it’s very common to hear spooky stories from schools. I’m sure you got a lot from your school too. I heard a lot from St. Joseph too. So here you go…
Story 1:
I heard this story from my sister(if I’m not mistaken, from the record I got from a forum I used to frequent and shared the stories there before) after I left the school.
There used to be a white-coloured statue of a student just next to the hall. I remember it was there when I first stepped into that school and I didn’t notice that it was demolished quite a long time ago. I always thought that it’s still there but my sister told me that it was demolished few years back even before she entered the school. In other words, it was demolished when I was still studying there but I didn’t notice. Pretty ignorance of me eh?
I was told that the reason that the statue was demolished because it could move!
Once a group of scouts was camping there during school holidays and at night a number of them suddenly saw the statue actually walked around the compound and then went back to the place where it’s supposed to be. After that, the school management decided to demolish that statue.
Story 2:
This was told by my BM teacher.
Our school had an archery field that was rented to SUKMA to train the atheletes. Now it’s an empty land because they have a place of their own to train. Nowadays, students always play football there.
Only during certain year, certain month, certain day, certain hour at midnight or wee hour (not so sure) a “Kampung” would appear at the field.
Those pass by will be able to see the houses, lights and the activities of the “kampung” people clearly. It will only appear for a while and then it’ll disappear. The “Kampung” was actually burnt down long long time ago before the school was built.
I have no idea how this story came out. Since the archery field is facing the main road, maybe people saw it before and that’s how the story started.
Anyway, that’s all. Two spooky stories for you but I don’t think they are spooky at all. In fact, it’s for my own record also as I almost forget all about them already.
Eiii…Really? How come I never heard of that before? If I was not mistaken, we are from the same school, right?
Hahaha… Yea… We’re from the same school, in fact many people never heard of them too. So now I share here, you know already LOL…
U’re ex-Pending meh? my hubby’s skool…hehhe.. ohh kampong?? so spoooooooooky ur stories..
yeap hehehe…
My bro was from that school too 😀
Always pass by there, but glad that we never seen that before 😀
Yea… Paul mentioned before. Hehehe… I’m glad I never encounter all those.