The 2nd day, we went to Sentosa. Main aim is to check out the latest addition of Sentosa and to watch 4D Magix. Thought will spend one whole day there but apparently, nothing much attracted us. Other attractions we skipped too as we went to those before.
Left: The Christmas tree at Vivo City. So many people! The queue to buy the ticket for Sentosa Express was long. Luckily they sold it manually instead of using the machine so it’s fast. Should just use the bus, it’s faster and not many people used the bus. Thought can see the scenery but couldn’t. It was crazily packed! SGD3/person just gone like that. A bit wasted.
The queue to buy tickets for the attractions was looooooooooooong too! Gosh… When it was my turn, I told the cashier I wanted to buy the 4D Magix tickets and she told me to buy it at the attraction itself if I’m not buying a package. I was like, “What?!?! I queued so long to buy and you tell me this?!?!”. She advised me that the queue for 4D Magix might be very long and I will be able to change my mind by then. If I bought it earlier, I would have to wait for a long long time. I just told her that it’s OK, I don’t mind, I just wanted that tickets, nothing else. So she sold them to me. There you go… SGD72 for 4 adults.
Middle: The Merlion.
Right: Part of the view of Resorts World at Sentosa while waiting for the bus to take us to 4D Magix.
Left: Apparently, no point buying the tickets at Vivo City. You still have to change the ticket at the ticketing counter. Duh~ Double work.
Luckily there’s no queue at. Else we already queued so long to buy at Vivo City, then had to queue again at the attraction to change the tickets. Then queues again to wait for your turn to go in. My advise, buy the tickets at the attraction itself if you are not buying any package.
The show is 12 minutes long if I’m not mistaken. Pretty interesting experience. Got a bit wet because it’s 4D but don’t have to worry that you’ll be drenched. I was so worry that my parents might be a bit too old for it but lucky still wasn’t that bad. Then again, it was dad’s idea to watch it. However, if you’re pregnant, have back problem, heart problem, or some health problems, it’s not something for you.
Right: Just random photo taken on the way to have a look around the area.
Not long later it rained so heavily after we alighted from the bus. So we waited at the bus stop hoping the rain would stop so that we could take the Sentosa Express to Resorts World at Sentosa. Luckily it stopped after about 15 minutes of rain. Phew…
Spotted this water feature at Resorts World. You could actually press the button and launch the water fountain. If not mistaken. there were 3 launchers there. The one you see here is just water shooting up. You’ll definitely get a bit wet when the water came down. The wind that day was strong too, my hair was all over my face ;p It was drizzling on and off day too.
In fact I was planning to buy tickets to Universal Studio after we got our flight ticket because it’s peak season, the tickets were known to sold out really fast, it’s impossible to buy them on the spot. After asking my parents, gave my dad the price, SGD72/person, he didn’t give me any respond.
Then I tried to buy it online one week before the trip but some how the agent’s site didn’t work. At the end, I scraped the idea. Besides, it’s peak season, it’s going to be long queue everywhere so no point to go also. Oh well… Some other time, during low season, definitely not this year.
The view I could get from outside the gate. Next time… Well… Maybe I’ll just go to the one in Gold Coast some time this year. We’ll see…
More photos to come… Stay tuned.
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