Dell engineer would be coming later to change some components of my XPS. Sigh… If it’s still not fixed for the second time, I will demand a full refund, by then I willl have to use back my old laptop until I got a new one. NO!!! *cross my fingers*
Update: Replaced motherboard again -.-” now also replaced the fan. It was quite heated when tested but nothing much can be done as anything that need to be replaced is replaced. So just have to test it for few more days to see whether problem still presist. Now I’m using it, so far so good, not that heated anymore.
It’s been a while not getting tagged hahaha… This time got tagged by Lil’ Ms Pinky because she said that she still owed me her french twist tutorial 😛 I love french twist but never got it right and she’s so good in doing it because she was an air stewardess with MAS before. I think her french twist was her signature back then.
I have high respect for air stewardesses, stewards, the pilots and the engineers. Not all are bad, even if they are bad, that’s their personal life, you are no one to judge, their job is to make sure you reach your destination as comfortable and as safe as possible. In any profession, there’s bound to have good and bad people and usually the bad ones make the rest looked ugly but we should not generalised people like this. Some of you might know that one of my ambitions when I was a little girl was to join the airline as air stewardess hehehe… Too bad, I’m too short, that’s it, period. ;p
So what this tag is all about?
This award was created by a very touched and indebted mother. Read further…
“This award is extra special because Crystal created it in honor of the donor who saved her son’s life. Her son Noah had to have a heart transplant when he was just over a month old. This award is supposed to help raise awareness of the importance of organ donation.”
So, here are the rules Crystal gave:
SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**
“So I created this award in Honor Of The Donor That Saved Noah’s Life. I share this award with those of you whose love and friendship have enriched my life and made my world a better place.
I hope by passing this award around the blogging world we can all help raise awareness of the need for Organ Donation.”
Have you ever think of organ donation? I think, if I’m not mistaken, all you need to do is get the organ donation card to fill in and keep it with you such as in your wallet, handbag or with some important documents. In case something happen to you, those who found the card can help you convey your intention to the hospital to harvest your organs and donate to those that needs them.
There’s a need of such awareness. We always heard about blood donation, organ donation is not always heard of but it’s something important just like blood donation. It’s encourage by all religions, at least for the religions that I know of because it’s a good thing to do. Imagine when you are dead, your healthy organs can help those in need and keep them alive since you won’t need it anymore by then. It’s something very noble.
As for me, I haven’t do aything to be a donor yet but I don’t mind donate mine by then. At least my intention is made known here hahaha…
I’m not going to tag anyone though. Hmm… Maybe all those in my blogroll 😛 Hahaha… If you feel like help spreading this cause out, you are welcome to do so.
Irene, thanks very much for your kind words. Every where I go I hear people condemning flight crew and it always breaks my heart. You are really a gem! 🙂
Thanks for doing the tag. And if you are ever in KL for a holiday, do let me know. I will make sure I show you the french twist personally, and I will make sure you master it too. 🙂
Lil’s Ms Pinky, hehehe… You’re welcome. I feel strongly about it because my late bf is a pilot, he’s the one who taught me don’t generalise people no matter what they are doing. Before that, I did generalise some people until I met him, things changed a lot, my life perception changed too. He’s the one who made me who I am today. Definitely will let you know if I’m going to KL hehehe… Would love to meet up with you.