Hehehe… After revamping sarawakian.net, it is featured in Berita Petang first page with full colour on the 2nd Novemebr 2007.
Before this, it was in International Times where a small portion was located for it, it was black and white.
Previously the script we used sucks big time, the lousiest script ever. It’s so hard to update and not user friendly at all. So we decided to make it into a blog, easy to maintain and can easily monetize it too. If you would like to read more about it, just click the picture for bigger version.
It’s in Chinese and even the enlarge version is a bit hard to read, what to do?!?!? This is the only softcopy that was given to us, don’t have hard copy to scan too :P.
Wah, very geng. You next ask them to feature my blog http://www.hot-screensaver.com ah??
Hahaha… said that there’re “HOT” screensavers in there hahaha…
wah… irene famous again..:D
Kaching, not me… I’m not the person incharge and I’m not the one that got interviewed.
oooo… thought u can tumpang glamour
Impossible hahaha…
nxt time u kena interview call me along ya..
i tumpang ur glamour
You so far
u tell me 1 week earlier so i can book airasia RM9.99
OK ;p
thank u… thank u for letting me chat here.