SHIT! My Streamyx is down! The ADSL light kept blinking. If it’s not blinking then there is no light at all! I’m using dial-up now! Sucks big time!! GRRRR!!! Right after I updated this post at around 5.55pm, my connection went DEAD! I missed out on the USD7 PPP’s post! GRRRRRRRR!!! So angry. Called to complain twice and got a report number but… Sigh… Hopefully the connection will be back tomorrow but it’s public holiday for the continous two days Angry! Angry! Angry!
WOW! Two days holiday starting tomorrow. It makes no difference to me, hehehe… Tomorrow will be Labour Day and Wesak Day. The next day will be replacement holiday for Wesak Day.
What’s your plan for the next two days? I’m going for supper tonight at Jalan Song Hehehe… Will have more food photos coming. Gosh… Spent a lot on food lately. Then tomorrow, hmm… No idea, should be staying at home blogging about the food that I’ll be having tonight hahaha… Perhaps write some sponsored post too.
Then on Wednesday, there will be a day/picnic trip to Damai with the members of CosWorld. Will be taking photos of the beach and the new Damai Lagoon that is undergoing renovation now, Actually it’s not known as Damai Lagoon anymore, the management has changed. It’s now known as Damai Puri Resort & Spa.
Boring post today… Nothing much to update except paid posts. Enjoy your holidays!
Try turn off your modem (cabut the adapter out) about 20 secs and see how it goes? It could be the line problem. Had that issues a few times.. After that, all was well..
What?!?! 2 days of public holiday?? -_-” Die. And I thought on Wed is a regular day already.. >.
Sorry about the connection I know how much I hate it when mine goes down. Hopefully it will be up soon.
Please take lots and lots of photos of Damai Puri Resort & Spa. I stay in the damai area every time I visit Malaysia and I am very interested inany improvements they are making.
Have a great holiday.
Alex, done that not only once this time it couldn’t seem to work at all. So it’s stupid Streamyx fault! Damn angry!
Jay, I heard that there’s a change in plan. So not sure where will we be going.
No need to test the modem, almost 99.9% fault with Streamyx. This happened to me numerouns times, every time need to wait 2-3 days for them to solve.
Neo! Exactly! Hahah… We all know. Streamyx “BOLEH”!