TOO MUCH! Really TOO MUCH! How can a big corporation like Paypal taking ages to fix the problem facing by almost every international users with no US account? How can? GRRR!!!
I’m sure if those in the US are having this same problem like us, I’m sure they will sue Paypal for super duper huge lump sum of money for their monetrary losses, and mental and emotional torturing. It’s so unfair! Just because we are not people that simply sue anyone like those in the US, you shouldn’t be taking us for granted! Don’t forget that we are also those that contribute to the profits of those US citizens that trade on the Internet. We are their customers!
So, those e-traders in the US, if you noticed that your sales drop, you will know why. It’s been almost 2 weeks already! You are suffering sales losses and so do us. We can’t accept payments, we don’t have money and we can’t buy from you. I think you should start to think about suing them for all the losses you are suffering?
30 days mark is getting nearer and nearer… *Sigh* Are we going to lose all money pending to be accepted in there? This is not supposed to be happening to such huge and reputable corporation that is based in the US! You are bullying us! Too much!
One more thing, at least made an announcement about this problem and let us know the progress! Then you won’t be getting people bombard you will all the support e-mails! I got another mail from them just now, I had send one last week and got their reply:
We understand the frustrated situation you are experiencing, our technical experts are working hard on this issue and hopefully it can be resolved shortly. Because it is a complex technical problem, we are unable to promise you when it can be resolved. We would suggest you to check the transaction status in the coming few days to see if this issue has been resolved or not.
At the moment, we would be highly appreciate for your patience. If your customers are not able to wait and need the items in urgent, is it possible for them to choose other payment methods to make the payment? Such as bank transfer or money order.
Sigh… Will PPP and all those sponsored posts programs send us money in other form? Double sigh…
Yes, it’s a dodgy deal indeed…sigh
Welcome Gallivanter, sigh… What to do? We can only sigh…
I’m slapped with a limited account access…
sigh… poor me. now i got to resolve this.
dun have enough instruction yet to do it. it just mention “confirm” and “fax documentation”
ARG… This sucks… My friend got it before and faxed twice coz the first time they didn’t receive the fax. Scary…
is ur friend using vmi also??
Nope. It’s because they found out his account has some suspicious activities, in fact it’s not. It just happened that the account auto log out, he didn’t know and clicked on other options in the account, but the site couldn’t load, so he kept refreshing it, blame Streamyx. So his account was temporary suspended aka limited account access.
i send email to paypal asking what i need to do to restore my account but no reply till now.
dunno how long will it take to reply me. sigh!
What to do? Wait lo…
Today, i got USD 18.50 which i can’t put into my account.
If this go on, i don’t see any reason why i should even write reviews anymore. 🙁
Hello stupe… We really need to pray high and low, left and right for it. Sigh… I have 10 payments pending now. -.-“
carry on writing… just point your paypal account to someone else who has it and you can trust…
or fly to sg tomorrow and open up a bank account. 🙂
No need lar… Still have time. I’m waiting for my friend’s US bank account. By they way, with our account status, we cannot open account at other country for Paypal, only can open US account, else they will suspend your account. That’s what I was told.
really? oh my, not even if i wan to change paypal account ah? we can open sg bank account if we r in sg. likewise for US cos my friend jst came bck from US and he open up a bank account there.
open at washington mutual bank.
now he is just waiting for the debit card and account activation.
oh yea, i already fax my documents and paypal has received it. will write about it later on blog.
That’s what people told me, not very sure how it works. Good luck.