Here’s a reminder to you…
Date: 21st July 2007(TODAY!)
Venue: Bestberry Cafe
You will be given a surprise! Provided you be a good boy or good girl hehehe…
Actually I wanted to post this long time ago but just wasn’t not in the mood to do so. Only those that know mandarin will know what it means else you won’t be able to make any head or tail except our national anthem with different tempo. Here’s the video of Negaraku(rap version).
This video is very controversial. I’m not very impress with what this guy is doing. He even dare to end it with “don’t sue me”. It’s wrong to do that to your national anthem. There is no country in this world that will tolerate this kind of thing! You deserve to be sued!
I know many people salute what he’s doing, agree with what he’s doing but so sorry… Not me. I know our country is not perfect and I do agree with all the things he sang in there but there should be a better way to do it and not this way. It doesn’t matter how much you dislike your country, how corrupted or whatever it is, you are welcome to compose whatever song to show your displease and ugly side of your country but this is not the way for you for making fun of the national anthem. National anthem is something very important to a country else why does everyone stand still or you put your right hand to your chest when the national anthem is playing? This is the simplest act of respect that you should know.
There’s a limit to everything. Imagine if you make fun with other country’s national anthem, they are not going to be happy with you also and will definitely sue you. When you are using our national anthem to make fun of your country, what do you think those foreigners will be thinking? They will be thinking that Malaysians are disrespectful. It might be intended to show your displease of the country, indirectly you as a Malaysian will also be given bad name for it. Every country has their fair share of corruptions, political woes and so on, that’s life.
It’s very simple theory. Something that you have to respect you must respect. It’s like you must respect your elders. You dare to direspect them? You show your disrespect to the elders in front of other people, what they will think? They will think that you “bo ka si“(parents never teach). Then who you put to shame? Your parents of course! Indirectly, no one will respect you as well.
Enough said! You deserve to be sued as you are putting the country’s integrity and image at stake! You are putting me to shame too for being labeled as disrespectful citizens in the eye of the world.
its light hearted fun, some people have no sense of humour
So… I have no sense of humour
Haha… I’m one of those people who salute him. Sometimes, people “upstairs” need a little wake up call. We as citizens have the right to remind them on that. Although this one is done in a less than favorable fashion, it still gets its message across. In fact, I’ll say it’s quite effective. That’s the whole point.
Americans make fun of their president all the time. Jay Leno. Saturday Night Live. In fact, they poke fun of their leaders in such a way that we Malaysians wouldn’t even have the balls to do it.
And I salute this rapper because he has the balls. It’s about time someone did.
And as for the part he says “Don’t sue me” it’s not to say he’s scared. It’s to point out that our system is so f*cked up we can’t even say what we want to say without being put away. There’s no sense of freedom whatsoever.
Our country has problems just like everybody, yes… and it has room to improve. The first step to do that is to point out the weaknesses so that we may improve upon it. A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single footstep.
Hmm… just my two cents lah.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. And I respect yours. 
finally, someone’s on the same boat as me!
i definitely agree with what you’ve written!
and i’m gonna write about my opinion either tomorrow or the day after. i’m so gonna link it to your blog!
at first I do salute his courage because he manage to grab the attention of the gamen but it’s still not right to make fun of the national anthem. It doesn’t matter whether it’s wake up call or not, what’s wrong is wrong.
It’s true that those in the US make fun of their leaders, at least they are not using their country’s symbol like the national anthem, something that even the opposition party won’t be doing because this is their country. The oppositions are here to improve the gamen. Even if the opposition party is ruling, the national anthem and all those symbols are to be respected instead of being making fun of.
Everyone can share their opinion about how they don’t like about their country but there is always a limit but then again… Everyone has their view some people support, some don’t but definitely this guy will be sued because it’s already announced. This guy is not in Malaysia, once he’s back he will be caught immediately. So now… I think the only way for him is not to come back to Malaysia.
Will link to you too! Thanks for coming to the meet hehehe…
i agree with you… but for the other way of my opinion, may be this is the way to let Malaysia improve… What i mean is more critic will bring improve.
lets say about election, if we don’t have those opesite party giving presure to goverment, how they going to improve…
corrent me if i am wrong…
iCalvyn, you are right
I hope Malaysia can improve but… When there are demands(such as kopi-o), there will sure be supplies. If one side is unwilling, then there won’t be such problem. When people start blaming the gomen, they should also think about what they did like offering bribe.
The opposition is here to balance out things. I don’t think by having this song, the gomen will improve at all. From what I see is that the gomen is suing him because of the way he disrespect the national anthem instead of showing the ugly sides of Malaysia. There are too many ugly sides of Malaysia being shown everywhere and everyone knows even the gomen themselves.
wht is tis.. playing with national anthem… later sure take go by isa…
Wilson, yeala… So naive… *puke*
i heard the video got pulled off from youtube d…
good la..
Pull off meh? There are so many people posting it. It was removed before but then posted back again. As for now, I don’t know. All I know that all these are just so wrong.
I totally agree with you. There is a lot of way to express what you think of our country. However, amending the national anthem is just not the right way to do it!
I would advise this guy to compose another song to talk about the ugly side of the country though!
Jam, true. He has the talent but he used it the wrong way.
i find the mv funny, he’s got his facts right, he’s got talent; rap and vid/music editing, he’s smart to know for him to make a statement like that, what better way then to use the national anthem, especially with the 50th merdeka coming soon, if he made a video differently the message, his message, will not make it pass a thousand hits, no one will know his song..
this way he will be remembered, right or wrong, it doesn’t matter, he wants to be heard, and it happened..
pixela, welcome. That’s because he’s not in Malaysia that’s why he has the balls to do that. I don’t think he will dare to do that if he’s based in Malaysia. There are two ways to look at it. Anyway, he has made a name for himself and manage to steal the attention whether it’s for good or bad, at the end this is still wrong.
its called freedom of speech.this guy got bola ok?while u ppl sit back and “konplain” here and there. this guy did something about it. he voiced his opinion.loud and proud.he loves malaysia…..and he wanted to see his country move forward but it wont cuz ppl like U!and u think “negaraku” is written by malaysian? think again….go search for mamula moon.then u decide!
yes i am malaysian..but i am OUT.this country is going to shithole because no one dare to speak their mind cuz takut kena tangkap.yes i spoke mine. and i am outcasted.well..typical malaysia.its a country that only look after their own people..the bumis.typical malaysia boleh.its more like melayu boleh and the cina just sit there and eat kuik kapek. so what does malaysia has in store for u guys in 10 years time?well…ur choice.its YOUR country now!–love my country but NOT proud to be a malaysian`
dave, thanks for coming and give your thoughts.
Since you are out of the country, good for you. That’s your choice anyway. It doesn’t matter “negaraku”is written by M’sian or not, it’s already a national anthem. That’s it. Since you can make the country go forward and people like me can’t, why don’t you do it rather than be a coward by getting out of here? Besides, what he’s singing are the fact, we all know, who will give a damn anyway? Everyone knows. The wrong part is he’s using the national anthem.