…Continue from Meet Alex Wong – Part 1
Here comes Alex!
Left: Presenting his autographed CD and poster to Irene of Tao.
Right: Uglymen interacting with Alex. Music people talking music of course hahaha… After that I quickly approached Alex and ask him to take photo with me and also forward someone’s regards to him *LOL* Will show you the photo in later post. I almost bit my own tongue -.- Too nervous, didn’t know how to start the conversation with him hahaha…
Left: Guess how much is the bucket!??!? My guess was RM20 *LOL* The real value is RM2000! Faint… Why? The paint is Mercedes Benz’s paint!
Middle & Right: One of Uglymen members saying that it’s “RM0.00” hahaha… His expression is so funny! Even wrote their URL(uglymen.net) on his card Free publicity hehehe…
Tim & Cynthia guessed RM2000 and RM1999.90! WOW! They won!!
Left: Blind photography. I teamed up with Allen but lose the game, Pazuzu teamed up with Angel and lose too. Got a poster though but it belongs to Allen. SilverIsle(the one in green t-shirt, came all the way from Alor Setar, how lucky, great timing! She was here to cover the Rock Party on Saturday.) was there too! She got second place.
Right: The winner! ARG!! I want that book! Only 1000 copies printed! No luck.
Left: Alex autographed Allen’s poster.
Right: Another game that required camera. Compact cameras cannot use one! Only can use DSLR. Need very fast speed. I didn’t mange to shoot his face, we were given 3 chances and the only shot I got was this. Hahaha… Allen won this game and he got that book of Alex!! ARG!!
YAY! He sang! OH MY! I’m sure somebody will faint if she’s there. It’s the first time Alex and Aimi performed “One Day” without a complete band. WOW! He sang 3 songs and each song has story of its own.
Still can’t get enough of him? Hehehe… Next up… camwhore session!!!
Yalor. I also so want the book lar. *sobs*
What to do? We no luck hahaha…