As I had mentioned yesterday, I’m running out of thing to blog! Anyway, recently something just hit my mind, no meaning at all, just randomness. There’s no logic or what-so-ever at all. Even it’s so, I still want to share ;p Ignore me if you want.
A = Looks like a ladder
B = Looks pregnant
C = An incomplete “O”
D = Looks like a potbelly
E = A two-storey building with one side of the wall gone missing
F = A two-storey building with no floor and one side of the wall gone missing
G = My man! HAHAHA!
H = A two-storey building with no floor and no roof
I = One straight line
J = “I” with a tail
K = Dead end
L = 90 degree
M = Up down, up down
N = “Z” that turns 90 degree anti-clockwise
O = Perfect circle
P = Big top, imbalance
Q = “O” with “something” sticking out
R = Big top with balance support
S = Perfect curves
T = A stick trying to balance another stick
U = Curve
V = Trying to balance itself with sharp end
W = Two “V” combined
X = Two lines crisscrossing each other
Y = Martini glass
Z = “N” that turns 90 degree clockwise
I know… I’m nuts… I don’t understand what I’m writing also. ;p Busy preparing for my next week exam now. So many things to memorize.
I like this, hahaha.
antan79, hahaha… Nothing to update ;p So ki siao liao hahaha…
I am working on something.. if it materialize, you will have lots to blog about 😀
wait till it materialized first ;p