I came across an interesting article today from the brochure I got from church this morning written by the reverand.
By the way, the title of this post is not the title of the article, the title is my summary after reading the article. Click on it for bigger version if you can’t read the small version here.
I’ll just roughly translate the whole article for those that don’t know how to read Chinese. I will skip the bible verses translation.
There are 5 conversations in the article:
For the deeply in love couple:
Girl: After getting married to you, I will share all your worries and sadnesses with you.
Boy: Honey, you’re so sweet but I don’t have any worry or sadness.
Girl: Oh… That is because we haven’t get married.
For the newly wed:
Groom: If my father didn’t leave me with all the properties, will you still marry me?
Bride: I don’t care who leave you with what, I will surely marry you.
Bride: What do you love about me? My pretty face? My nice body?
Groom: I love your sense of humour.
For the long-time married couple:
Wife: What are you doing?
Husband: Nothing.
Wife: Nothing? You are staring at our marriage cert for 1 hour.
Husband: Oh… I’m looking for expiration date on the marriage cert.
Wife: Why you keep my photo in your wallet?
Husband: If I’m facing any problem, I just have to look at your photo and everything will be fine.
Wife: WOW! I got such huge impact on you!
Husband: When I see your photo, I will tell myself, the person in this photo is the biggest challenge I have to face in my life. There’s no other challenge bigger than this.
If you notice, no matter how successful a person is in his/her life or very strong in facing the challenges thrown to him/her, when his/her marriage is having trouble, everything in the world will turn upside down. Marital issues are life issues. If you don’t want to change your life, no matter how educated or how rich you are, there is no way to save your marriage.
I hope this article will inspire you a little and something for you to ponder upon.
All I can say is that, marriage is no child play. Marriage comes with huge responsibilities. A marriage can either make or break a person. Think carefully before you commit yourself to it. It’s not something as easy as just signing a paper to get married just because you feel like it and later sign another paper to get a divorce when there is no feel anymore.
true enough!
but they have marriage is grave =.=
Yes… Sort of a grave also in other way *LOL*
I think i read those quotes before
In fact all these are familiar quotes.