Secret Recipe will only open tomorrow,20th April.
People! Tell me which one is correct? “Kuchingites” or “Kuchingnites”? I’ve been seeing these two versions everywhere. HELP! I’m getting confused now! I used to use “Kuchingites”, then lately I saw many people using “Kuchingnites”, so… I’m super duper confuse now! Which is the correct one? If there is no definite answer, I guess we will have to end up calling ourselves “Kuching Kia” Hahaha… This one will be 100% correct! Ok… Seriously… Which one?
This leads me to introduce you to my recent project that I’ve been doing with Jimmy lately and decided that now it’s the time to fully release it to everyone.
Why we started it?
This blog is dedicated solely for money making and Kuching. You can only make money when you have proper content for your blog. If you only want to make money and you don’t have the content, it can’t work. This is because there are rules that you need to obey to make money. Nothing is free.
Since has a higher PR compare to this blog, it can make more money. Summore nothing was done to this URL for a while already, it used to be a very high traffic Chinese forum, that’s why it has such high PR. So we decided to put everything about Kuching that we had blogged before into it to make it into an information blog with ratings from us. The write-ups are not the same as the one you see in my blog. This means I have to come out with two versions of write-ups. One for my blog and another one for If I just copy paste my content over, PPP would not approve Therefore, if you go to, you will be seeing a non-sponsored post followed by a sponsored post.
It’s not an easy work. We have to find content to put in between the sponsored posts, else PPP won’t approve us at all. I have to update two blogs about the same thing but with different content. So it’s not all about making money, it makes us work extra hard to find things related to Kuching to blog. For the record, I had blogged 10 posts(2 blogs both with their own contents and own sponsored posts) a day within 3 hours, such madness! The post in between the sponsored posts must be of certain standard too. You cannot just dump a video or photo in. You must have at least 5 sentences in your non-sponsored post and of certain length.
Such crazy job but love it The craziest part is to grab PPP opps for and my own blog. Summore PPP opps are not easy to grab nowadays. They’re gone too fast! They can gone in seconds! Goshhh… That’s why sometimes you can see continous sponsored posts and then later on I will insert the non-sponsored posts in between them.
Ok… Enough of the introduction. Hahaha… Hop over to and you will know what I’m trying to tell you. We make sure we update it everyday with quality content of course. Then I can write at least one sponsored post a day. If we are lucky, I can write three sponsored posts a day and this will mean I need to compose another 2 to 3 non-sponsored posts a day. Crazy right? It’s legal way to make money anyway
Let me get this straight, the domain name belongs to Jimmy, the photos belong to Jimmy, the write-ups belongs to me except the newspapers articles. We split the earning 50-50. Fair enough. OH! Is it Kuchingites Or Kuchingnites?
Kuching Kia…. hahaha…
i think kuchinglang better!
errr…. google it?
Kuchingites produce more result :p
by the way, i cant comment at
Wilson, Hahahah… Yes, Kuching Lang also can.
pretenders…. How? So confusing -.-” Apparently there’s problem with the template GRRR… wasting my time on that old one, now you can leave your comment already, I’ve changed the template and aiyooo… I need to recustomised it again.
You’re Tagged!!!!
Hello p83cia
Ok… But seems like the link to your blog is wrong. Nvm, I had corrected it :p I’ve done the tag, akho tagged me at the same time he tagged you hahaha… Then Ann tagged me also the same time akho tagged her. WOW! Kuching is so small hahah…
Kuchingkites ok or not?
ehehhe We make a kite for Kuching? 
make sure its big enuf ya, then we will fly u on d kite..
Hehehe… They said I’m small
So use small kite enough hahaha…
Kuchingian lah
Watever… lol