OK… I’m not going to do any update today except this, too many things going on now.
1. I need to do 2 assignments for my class, need to get one done before this Thursday. Another one, I try to get it done a.s.a.p as more work will come next week, I think… So better get them done soon.
2. My XPS is crazy again -.-” I don’t know why. After the change of motherboard, things are a bit lag. Then today, out of sudden the CPU usage kept going up to 100%!!! After restarting several time and check the BIOS, suddenly it’s OK again but it’s super HOT! Very hot! It wasn’t this hot before that. ARG! I’m going to contact Dell now.
3. Work coming in, need to get it done before Thursday also.
Basically, that’s all. Have a nice day. I think I will be able to update tomorrow. Must backup everything now.
looks like you smoke your XPS again, better get a replacement for a new unit when it still under warranty.
Wah…overheated ur XPS again meh??
your posts are nice and informative.. i like to spend ample time with your blog..solve your xps problem soon and visit my site soon..
I thought you said you’re tapao-ed *LOL*
Enjoy your busyness
Roland, waiting for their respond, I might be asking them to replace a whole unit or replace with another model.
windwalker :p hehehe… Still alive hahaha… Not sure when will overheat again -.-”
durai, welcome
Saw your blog, interesting stuffs you got there.
ahlost, hehehe