OK! Let’s forget about that stupid Google PR for the moment and do something meaningful to the society. All you need to do is play the game and you can give rice to those unfortunate people in this world. Go to freerice.com and play the game.
Just click on the answer that best defines the word. If you get it right, you will be given a harder word. If wrong, you will be given an easier word. For each word you get right, they will donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.
Started off with no vocab level but managed to answered two correctly.
Then the vocab level increase to 25, the highest I got is 29. It will decrease or increase based on how well you scored.
My progress along the way.
I gave up! It took too long to play. I played for more than one hour! I don’t know how to complete this game… I tried to answered them incorrectly but I’m still maintain at vocab level of 1 -.-‘ So I stopped at 3340 grains of rice means I had answered more than 300 correct words.
Actually, I can get more correct but I blindly clicked on them even with the most simplest word like “daddy” means father but I clicked “mother” LOL… Trying hard to end the game but to no avail. However, my contribution is already counted. So there is no worry about not getting counted.
Hehehe… OH! This is not a paid post!!! Go and play now and learn some new words as you go along! Have fun!
Hi.. cdason recommended me your site..
creative post you have here.
Hi ceara,
Yeap.. I know you hehehe… Thanks for coming!
I want to donate a lorry load
I wonder how long will it take to get so much rice!
Michael, hehehe… Play everyday
Hehehe… 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days.
I am about to blog on this, and you have already done it! Good job!
Hahaha.. Kia su mar
i donated 3000+ rice also.. vocab level at 25… -.-
Hehehe… not so bad la.