Busy preparing for my Sunday exam, luckily only one subject, phew… If not I’ll be in big trouble, still have problem remembering and understanding most of the theories and there’re so many jargon involved -.-” I have lots of photos and blog posts in queue but lazy to edit the photos for the posts ;p
Just a quick post about a conversation I had with my mom the other day when I dragged her along into the fitting room with me trying out some bras from Xixili.
*Took off my top and bra*
Mom: Why no flesh one?
Me: o.0″ *looked at her*
Mom: How come no flesh one?
Me: EEEEEeeee… You ask me I ask who?!?! *trying to hold my laughter*
Mom: Really, how come no flesh one, why ar?
Me: *don’t know want to laugh or cry* How can I know? Ask you lo…
Mom: How to make it bigger? Want to try the breast enhancement product in the catalog? Try and see got effect or not.
Me: -.-”
Goodness gracious… How I know la? So funny. *faint* It’s been like this for years. No doubt that mine is small, wearing the smallest size summore but I seldom complain about it(only complain when some clothes doesn’t fit me at the chest area). The thought of trying out breast enhancement products never struck me *sweat*
Haha! Mum and other ppl say the same thing to me! You should never try those enhancing products! All natural!
Nickki, yea… I don’t dare also hahaha…
for me as male, irene you should listen to the advice from guy not girls, no harm to try out some products! if u make it natural, people will see it “natural”, of course the other way i no need mentions………….hahahahaahahah
lee, I’m not desperate for big one so I don’t bother hahaha…
hahaha!!! ur mum is so cute!!! and i wana know. why u dragged ur mum into the fitting room wit u? i won’t wan my mum in there. hahaha!!!
angel, hahaha… coz I need second opinion ;p Coz I picked so many to try and i can only get 2 not all 4 of them hahaha… Usually if the fitting room is big enough, I’ll either get my mum or my sis to be in there.
Wahhh…that you can take off your top and bra in front of your mom is a very brave thing to do already!
My mom has not seen me topless since I was 9! I don’t think she’ll say the same of what your mom said though. In fact, I think my mom will kutuk me maximum.
Cool mom you have there!
Kiersten, hehehe… Used to it already ;p Even with my sis I also don’t have much problem. Top OK la… Bottom don’t dare *LOL*
irene, do you consider third opinion? next time bring along me together ok? i can give the best suggestion! compare ur mom or sis, hope you also don’t have problem on me too! me is ok, “topless” or “bottomless” i have to problem!!!!!!!!!!
kiersten: that’s nothing lah, last time in order for me to choose other size of shirt and pants, im just naked all and running to the outside to take the new size from the sales girl that i want to, and i even help her to search for it!
lee, u never go shopping with me, you won’t get the chance hahaha… Go shop with me if you dare ;p
Your mom is so funny? Where got mom asking daughter to try breast enhancement product one… Aiya….
jam, hahaha ;p yealo, she’s just joking, those products so expensive I don’t think she will even want to buy for me.