Christmas is coming soon! Kuching is not that quiet after all. You can now see the city’s first giant Christmas tree at Travillion. Didn’t pay much attention to newspapers these few days. Only knew that there was actually Christmas tree light up ceremony last night. We decided to go and have a look. We also heard that Frankie was performing that night. We were not in time to see the fireworks. I heard the fireworks from my house hahaha…
We just went there for fun, didn’t expect to see “snow”(it’s just form) there but when we were there it’s bubbles. No more foam. Here’s the Christmas tree:
So many people but not as many as sardine packed hahaha… We didn’t have to squeeze, there are ample space to move around hahaha…
Up-close of the tree. It’s sponsored by Celcom. You can actually win RM10,000 by guessing how many “x”(those purple “spots”/”ornaments” on the tree) on the tree by sending your SMS. I’m not sure the format to send but the number to send is 23456 hahaha… Besides the tree, there’s also santa and his reindeers!
Bubbles! Bubbles! Lots of them, never take picture of bubbles before, so now here’s the chance.
Left: While we’re busy merrying, don’t forget to do your part for charity by donating to the wishing well. The proceeds will go to SCCS.
Right: Tim and JF with their new DSLRs!!! I want one also!!!
Starlight performing. Frankie sang too last night! Ish… Ish… Ish… Edwin only noticed Tim and announced that the blogger is here! We were there so much earlier than Tim, sitting right in front taking photos and videos. Well… Can’t blame him really because Tim’s hair is so unique that it’s easy to spot hahaha… Also he resembled DJ68! Hahaha…
Edwin entertaining the crowd and we all sang We Wish You A Merry Christmas.
He’s good but… Too much of something is bad…
Sexy dance.
I can’t remember her name, she could sing pretty well.
The two sisters singing SHE’s Superstar but halfway the show was ruined(at least to us) by you-know-who. Sigh…
Breaking, popping, hip-hop…
Don’t know his name also, don’t see him like this he could sing really well. Just close your eyes and you thought you’re listening to CD!
Chirstmas poem recital. Poor girl… No one paid attention to her and many left -.-
“Game session”. We asked JF to go up hahaha… See how tall he is! Guess what he got after that? A BIG BAG with a pen and keychain -.-‘ *LOL*
After that, we went to camwhore again at Christmas tree. No more bubbles. I didn’t have the photos yet. Will wait for them to be sent to me.
Oh… Last night my camera gave me a HUGE SHOCK! My delete/zoom out button jammed halfway during the performance! -.- Means I couldn’t delete photos and after I zoom in, I couldn’t zoom out, only way was off and on it again. As to delete, I used Gladiezz’ camera to delete some photos to free up some space. Why? I deleted too quickly and jammed the button! -.- Lesson of the story, be gentle to the camera, don’t abuse it!
Then, when camwhored at the Christmas tree, my camera couldn’t on!! OMG! Fellow bloggers all flocked to me and they asked me to try to check the battery, I relunctantly checked it, took it out and insert back, finally it can be on! Phew… This camera is almost 2 years old, please don’t die on me like the previous one… I need you for my trip next year! I have no budget to buy new one summore! I need the budget for a new laptop! Please… Please… Please don’t die so fast, at least last for another year or two. I hope…
I went home and I told my bro, he tried to press the button and VOILA! What a luck! He unjammed(is there such word? Hahaha…) it! Phew… Save me a trip to Canon tomorrow, also save money for the “repair”.
Happy Sunday!
I was there last night too! Didn’t see you..the fireworks damn loud leh..hahaha..xD
allen missing in action. =P
OMG !!! You’re so fast, Irene.. *LOL*
I was uploading the video this morning and I dunno which has been uploaded.. *hin*hin*
Hehehehe.. It was fun last night.. and I MISSED THE FIREWORKS.. clk betol.. hehehe..
Ohh.. So that was why there were fireworks that night.
Free, you’re there? hahaha… I’m staying nearby so hehehe.. can hear
Can hear can see hahaha…
allen, yealo… poor boy…
ahlost, hehehe… Video I don’t know want to upload or not haha…
Katherine-Lee, yeap… That’s why there’s fireworks hahaha…
hi irene. another kuchingnite heehee…my hubby is also from kuching and i’ve been there twice. i love it and it’s getting better every time i went. ^_^
hey hey… im teribbly sorry. haha i din niotice the other blogers. like wat u sed tim’s hair is more louder than the rest of yah. (Than the GALS TOO) haha. one of this days, i will organize a bloggers meet up. so that i will ger to know more of u personally. is it ok? mayb u blogger’s out there decide where to meet. then get back to me.i will definatley be there.
thanx for the posting dear. see yah
Edwin Then
Hello Lazy Broad hehehe… Welcome. Thanks for coming!
Edwin, don’t worry about it
I’m just trying to emphasize that Tim’s hair is very UNIQUE!! That’s why it attracts so much attention:P
Hahaha… Will arrange for it hahaha…
Sure… blogger’s meet with Starlight
Hahaha… Finally
ive got an idea. in my office, im builiding a lil concert stage. so once is done, i will invie all the bloggers there . for free. there will be food and beverages. most probably on January. so all BLOGGER’s are invited. i will invite a few local enlgish artiste as well.. will let u noe further detail. so i let u take charge.. haha. if thats ok with u. my office cum studio located at tabuan heights drive. nearby 98kopitiam.
oh ya, im organizing another event either taman sahabat or boulevard on 25th of January. is called Pre-Chinese New Year Concert. whereby there will be various of local artiste such as ryn ling or nicholas teo. if i manage to grabhold of them la. otherwise there will be others too. there will b fireworks s well. so do pray hard for me to get the license.. haha
mind to give me ur direct contact? u can sms to me to *censor for privacy*. thanx Irene. see you around. God Bless
Hehehe… Edwin OK!
Will put the wind out… *BLOW BLOW* hahaha…
thanx dear.God Bless
God bless